What is a Private Cloud Deployment Model?
What is a Private Cloud?
A private cloud is a cloud computing model that serves exclusively a single organization. This means that all the company’s resources, like servers, storage, and networks, are not shared with any other users.
What is the difference between public and private cloud deployment models?
主な違いは、利用可能なリソースがどのように配布されるかです。パブリッククラウドは実際には multitenant where many users make use of resources simultaneously, while a private cloud is single-tenant, meaning all resources are exclusively used by an organization. This difference makes private clouds have even better security, flexibility, and control but with additional and possibly higher costs.
The main types of cloud computing are:
- On-Premise Private Cloud: The infrastructure is set up on-site at the organization’s data center. This setup gives the organization full control but demands a high level of IT expertise.
- Hosted Private Cloud: A third-party company manages the equipment and systems away from the office to reduce the workload for the internal IT team.
- Managed Private Cloud: Similar to the hosted cloud, the provider also provides maintenance, security, and updates, and thus, the approach is fully outsourced to the service provider.
はい、使用できます サービスとしてのソフトウェア (SaaS)アプリケーションをプライベートクラウドで使用します。これは主に、使用するソフトウェアをより制御したい場合や、SaaSアプリケーションをオンプレミスソフトウェアと統合する場合に役立ちます。
クラウド展開オプションの詳細については、次のリンクをクリックしてください。 パブリッククラウド およびハイブリッドクラウド。