SaaS Months to Recover CAC Calculator

考える SaaSにおけるCAC回収までの月数 新規顧客が獲得コストを回収するのにかかる月数として定義されます。回収が早ければ早いほど、 顧客獲得コスト (CAC)ビジネスは健全になります。

  • モザイク画像


    Understanding the time it takes to recover customer acquisition costs is crucial for SaaS financial health.

  • モザイク画像

    Benchmarking Recovery Time

    Comparing your months to recover CAC with industry standards can highlight operational efficiencies or issues.

  • モザイク画像

    Optimizing Marketing Spend

    Reducing the months to recover CAC can significantly enhance profitability and cash flow for SaaS companies.

コスト指標 入力値

📈 結果


0.00 ヶ月



  1. 顧客獲得コスト(CAC)の総額を計算します。 This amount includes all expenses aimed at acquiring a new customer, such as marketing and sales efforts. Example: If your company spends $600 on marketing and $400 on sales to acquire a new customer, your CAC is $1000.
  2. 顧客一人当たりの平均月間経常収益(MRR)を算出します。 This is the regular income generated from each customer every month, excluding any one-time charges. Example: If a customer pays $120 monthly for a software subscription, the MRR is $120.
  3. 粗利益を計算します。 This is the percentage difference between the revenue earned and the costs of goods or services sold. Example: If the revenue from a customer is $120 and the cost to serve them is $60, the gross margin is 50%.
  4. CACを回収するまでの月数を計算します。 Divide the CAC by the product of MRR and the Gross Margin percentage. Example: With a CAC of $1000, MRR of $120, and a gross margin of 50%, the calculation would be $1000 / ($120 * 0.50) = 16.67 months.

SaaS Months to Recover CAC = CAC / (Average Monthly Recurring Revenue per Customer * Gross Margin)

Understanding SaaS Months to Recover CAC

Ioana Grigorescu

1月 8, 2025

What is SaaS Months to Recover CAC?

Months to Recover CAC calculates the time it takes for a customer’s payments to equal the Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) in a SaaS business context. This measure is important because it shows how quickly you recover the costs of bringing on new clients. A lower figure suggests that these costs will be recovered more quickly, improving the sustainability of the business.

  • Tracking CAC recovery time allows you to assess financial health and ensure sustainable growth.


  • For optimum profitability, allocate resources as efficiently as possible across customer success, marketing, and sales.


  • To guarantee long-term business survival, track trends over time and make proactive strategy adjustments.

Practical Examples of Months to Recover CAC in SaaS

  • 例1: A SaaS company spends $500 to acquire a customer who generates $100 monthly. The Months to Recover CAC is calculated as 5 months ($500 / $100).
  • 例2: In another scenario, a SaaS company has a CAC of $1200, offset by a customer generating $250 monthly. This results in a recovery period of 4.8 months ($1200 / $250).
  • 例3: If a SaaS company incurs a CAC of $200 and acquires customers contributing $40 monthly, it will take 5 months to recover the CAC ($200 / $40).
期間 顧客獲得コスト (CAC) MRRは、月額サブスクリプションからの予測可能な定期収入を表します。 Months to Recover CAC 変化 %変化 トレンド分析
月1 $5,000 $1,500 3.33 初期期間
月2 $5,200 $1,600 3.25 -0.08 -2.40% わずかな改善
月3 $5,500 $1,800 3.06 -0.19 -5.85% ポジティブな傾向

SaaS Months to Recover CAC = 5500 / (1500 * 0.7) = 5.24


  • 簡単な計算: This method divides the total Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) with the Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) brought in by a new customer. This is more of an overall or generic CAC calculation that gives a quick overview of CAC effectiveness.
  • CAC Blended: This is achieved by taking the total CAC expended on all the customers acquired during a particular period and then dividing it by the total MRR generated. This gives an overview of the general health and effectiveness of the business.
  • CAC Segmented: これは、顧客セグメント(例:エンタープライズとSMB)ごとのCACを2つに分割することで作成されます。これにより、収益性の高い顧客を特定し、獲得努力を集中すべき場所を知ることができます。
  • 解約を考慮した回収期間: これは、MRRの代わりに粗利益を使用し、顧客のライフスパンも考慮することで実現されます。これにより、特に顧客がアカウントに長く留まらない場合に、CAC回収のバランスの取れた視点が得られます。


  • 顧客獲得コスト(CAC)の削減: Concentrate on the most economical marketing avenues, such as referrals or content marketing. To cut expenses, experiment with various consumer acquisition strategies, such as A/B testing advertisements.
  • ARPA(アカウントあたりの平均収益)を向上させるには: より高価値な顧客を引き付けるには、段階的な価格体系を採用し、既存の顧客にプレミアム機能やアドオンを提供してください。
  • 顧客維持率の向上: 顧客サービスを強化し、オンボーディングプロセスをパーソナライズし、一貫したコミュニケーションを確保することで、顧客離れを減らしましょう。魅力的なコンテンツと強力なコミュニティがあれば、顧客ロイヤルティを高めることができます。
  • 価格戦略を最適化する: SaaSとターゲット市場に最適な価格戦略を見つけるには、価値ベースまたは使用量ベースの価格設定を試してください。製品のコストがその価値に見合っていることを確認してください。 
  • Minimize Sales Cycle: Simplify your sales procedure by eliminating pointless processes. Revenue capture can be accelerated by offering clear product information and a simplified purchasing procedure.



