
What is SaaS Dunning Management?

Published: 1月 2, 2025

Optimize your revenue cycle with SaaS Dunning Management. Learn how it works, key features to look for, best practices, and legal considerations.

What is SaaS Dunning Management?

Dunning management is a process used in a software as a service (SaaS) business model to automatically manage and recover failed payments. This includes sending reminders to customers to update their payment information and about outstanding invoices before their service is interrupted. 

Dunning management practices could potentially affect churn rates and influence the amount of revenue recovered, though the extent of this impact may vary. However, it’s also important to ensure a positive customer experience and avoid overloading them with excessive reminders.

How does SaaS Dunning Management work?

SaaS Dunning Management systems are designed to help businesses by enabling the identification and notification of customers about failed payments. 

These systems also provide the functionality to escalate the process of sending reminders and attempting to collect the payment again using pre-defined schedules. If these attempts fail, these systems provide customers with the option to make changes to their payment information or contact customer support. 



Let us consider a situation where a customer’s payment fails. They will receive an email with a reminder of the payment, after which they will be sent an in-app notification with a link to update the payment information. 


What are the pros and cons of using SaaS Dunning Management?



  • 収益回復: 回収プロセスを自動化することで、支払いの遅延や未払いによる収益損失のリスクを軽減できます。このアプローチは、期日内支払い率に影響を与える可能性があります。
  • 意図しない解約の削減: Manage dunning to keep active subscribers engaged and informed while providing opportunities to address potential payment barriers.
  • 顧客満足度: Self-service options and open communication channels could be associated with increased customer satisfaction, although individual results may vary.
  • Insights: Dunning Management offers insight into consumer behavior and payment patterns. Businesses may gain knowledge for potential decision-making regarding their revenue cycles. 



  • Implementation Costs: Dunning Management systems typically require some investment for setup and design, though these expenses often balance out with the benefits realized over time.

統合の複雑さ: Depending on the system selected, technical know-how may be needed to integrate with current billing and CRM platforms. This can be handled by a certified IT professional or vendor support.


Businesses may consider using a SaaS dunning management solution to address customer churn caused by payment problems and to potentially enhance the efficiency of the payment collection process. These are the methods by which it can be accomplished:

  • Implementing automated reminders and payment retry logic may assist in reducing the incidence of subscription lapses and late payments among customers.
  • To enable focused and efficient communication, a strong dunning system interfaces with the billing system to retrieve critical client information and payment status.
  • 分析機能とセルフサービスポータルは、支払いパターンと手動による介入に関連しています。企業は支払い活動に関する洞察を得て、手動による要件を減らすことができ、それによって最適化の機会を特定し、督促戦略の効率を高めることができます。



  • SaaSの督促は自動化されていますが、従来の督促は通常手動プロセスです。クライアントに支払い情報を更新させ、不要な解約を避けるための自動リマインダーと支払い再試行は、SaaS督促管理の基本的な要素です。 
  • SaaSの督促は顧客に焦点を当てているのに対し、従来の督促は債権回収に焦点を当てています。 
  • SaaSの督促の目標は顧客を維持することであり、債権回収のための従来の督促の攻撃的な戦術とは対照的です。 

These differences reflect a significant shift in the approach to dunning in SaaS, away from an emphasis on collecting the debt and towards customer retention and understanding.


While utilizing automation can potentially streamline collection processes, SaaS companies should prioritize clear communication and utilize data analysis to refine their strategies.

  •  Using an automated process takes away the need for a lot of manual work and gives quicker responses to overdue accounts. 
  • Effective communication is essential for guiding customers through the payment process and assisting in resolving any challenges. 
  • Through data analysis, one can find out what works well and how to address customers in different segments.

What are the legal considerations for SaaS Dunning Management?

When developing a Dunning Management system for SaaS, legal issues should be considered, especially financial regulations, data privacy laws, and consumer protection practices. 

Financial regulations state the procedure for handling payments when they fail and the implementation of late charges. At the same time, data privacy laws restrict the collection, usage, and distribution of customer payment information and communication regarding retention issues. 

Consumer protection guidelines influence the formation of the customer environment and the brand’s reputation. As such, these rules and regulations apply in all parts of the world and all industries, so it is better to consult legal experts about legal issues to avoid unpredicted difficulties.




