
How to Accept B2B SaaS Payments: A Step-by-Step Guide

公開日: 2025年1月10日

To accept B2B SaaS payments, set up a system that accommodates various payment methods, automates recurring billing, and ensures secure transactions. It is essential for a business to prioritize maintaining a steady cash flow given that it can contribute to building customer loyalty. Our guide outlines a B2B SaaS payment framework, which could potentially lead to improved revenue collection and customer satisfaction.


Choose a Payment Solution

Using a comprehensive payment solution is mandatory for secure and efficient transaction processing. Evaluate several options based on the following criteria:


  • Number of Payment Gateways: A solution should offer access to multiple payment gateways that increases conversion rates by supporting multiple payment methods and currencies preferred by your global customer base.
  • Transaction fees: Compare pricing models (flat fees, percentage-based, or tiered) and use the most cost-effective option for your transaction volume.
  • 対応通貨: 海外の購入者がいる場合は、通貨換算の問題を避けるため、ソリューションがその通貨に対応していることを確認してください。
  • 既存のソフトウェアとの統合: 会計、CRM、その他優先度の高いビジネスツールとシームレスに統合できるプロバイダーを選択してください。
  • セキュリティ機能: Consider solutions with thorough security measures like fraud prevention, tokenization, and PCI DSS compliance.
  • Checkout experience: Look for a solution that provides a smooth and user-friendly checkout experience for your shoppers.
  • Tax compliance: Choose a solution that automatically handles sales tax calculations and compliance requirements in different regions.
  • Customer portal: Look for a self-service portal that allows clients to manage subscriptions, update payment information, and access invoices easily.
  • Live billing support: Choose a solution that provides dedicated support for billing inquiries and troubleshooting.
  • サブスクリプション管理: Look for features like flexible billing cycles, proration, trial management, and automated renewals to properly manage subscriptions.
  • ローカライズ: プロバイダーは、グローバル市場に対応するために、複数の言語と通貨をサポートする必要があります。これには、ローカライズされた支払い方法とチェックアウト体験が含まれます。
  • ダニング管理: カスタマイズ可能な再試行ロジック、メール通知、アカウント保留オプションを使用して、支払いの失敗を回復するのに役立つ、自動化された督促管理を備えたソリューションを優先してください。
  • セキュリティ: この機能を確認して、ビジネスを金融詐欺から保護してください。速度チェック、3Dセキュア認証、住所確認などを確認してください。
  • その他の重要な機能: レポートと分析、収益認識ツール、不正防止サービスとの統合などの追加機能を検討してください。


Constructing a comparison table facilitates the impartial evaluation of payment solutions. This comprehensive assessment tool allows you to choose optimal solutions, informed and aligned with your B2B SaaS business goals.

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Offer Multiple Payment Options

Businesses have diverse preferences when it comes to 支払い方法. To appeal to a wider audience and improve conversion rates, offer a range of payment options:


  • Credit cards: Visa, Mastercard, American Express are necessary for businesses.
  • ACH transfers: 定期的な支払いと高額な取引に有利です。
  • 銀行振込: 高額な取引や海外の顧客に人気があります。
  • 電子ウォレット: 利便性のために、PayPal、Apple Pay、Google Payなど、顧客が好むオプション。
  • Purchase Orders (POs): Required for many B2B transactions, particularly for enterprises and organizations with procurement processes. Your system should offer POs and integrate them into your workflow.

Study your target market to determine their preferred payment methods. Conduct surveys, examine website traffic data, or research trends to understand the most desirable options.

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Set Up Recurring Billing

Automating recurring billing is typically required for SaaS businesses. It has the potential to affect revenue collection and decrease manual effort.


  • Choose a billing solution: that integrates with your payment solution and allows for flexible subscription management.
  • Define subscription plans: and outline your pricing plans, including features, billing cycles (monthly, annual), and any trial periods.
  • Automate invoices and reminders: システムを設定すると、請求書が自動的に生成され、顧客に送信されます。支払いの遅延を減らすために、自動支払いリマインダーをスケジュールしてください。
  • セルフサービスポータルを提供: 顧客がセルフサービスポータルを通じて、サブスクリプションの管理、支払い情報の更新、請求書の取得を行えるようにします。

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PCI DSS 準拠を保証

機密性の高い顧客データの保護は必須です。PCI DSSレベル1への準拠はオプションではなく、クレジットカード情報を扱うすべての企業にとって不可欠です。


  • Understand the requirements: Know the PCI DSS standards and their implications for your business.
  • Secure your systems: Implement security measures like data encryption, access controls, and regular security audits.
  • Work with compliant providers: Your payment solution and other service providers must be PCI DSS compliant.
  • Maintain compliance: Review and update your security protocols to maintain compliance and protect your business from data breaches.

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  • 関連情報を含める: あなたの会社情報、顧客情報、請求書番号、日付、支払い条件、および料金の内訳。
  • Use clear language: Keep it simple to ensure clarity.
  • Invoice formats: Offer invoices in PDF and HTML for customer convenience.
  • Make invoices easily accessible: Allow customers to download from their accounts or through email delivery.
  • Generating Quotes: Professional quotes is a step in the sales process which requires customized quotes for specific needs. Your solution must support quote generation that provides a seamless transition from quote to payment.

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ステップ 6

Offer Excellent Customer Support

Quality customer support is necessary for addressing payment-related issues:


  • 複数のサポートチャネルを提供: メール、電話、またはライブチャットでサポートを提供します。
  • ナレッジベースを作成: 一般的な支払いに関する質問に対応するため、包括的なナレッジベースまたはFAQセクションを作成します。
  • サポートチームをトレーニング: Equip your support team with the knowledge and tools to handle payment-related inquiries effectively.
  • Implement a 24/7 live billing support system: Address customer time-sensitive billing inquiries, to minimize disruptions.
ステップ 7

Manage Sales Tax Effectively

Sales tax obligations for B2B SaaS companies can be complex, especially with international shoppers, requiring careful consideration.


  • Know the regulations: Research the sales tax regulations in relevant countries and regions.
  • Automate tax calculations: Use a payment provider that automatically calculates the correct sales tax based on the customer’s location.
  • 正確な記録を維持する: Keep records of your sales tax transactions for compliance purposes.

ご検討ください Merchant of Record(MoR)サービスを 販売税管理を簡素化するために。MoRは、税計算、コンプライアンス、送金を管理し、国際税法を支援します。 


これらのステップに従うことで、B2B SaaSの支払い処理を効率化し、財務の安定と事業拡大の両方に影響を与える可能性があります。




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