Product Calculators
Product Calculators | Optimize for Growth | Track product usage, engagement, and other metrics. Optimize your product for growth.
SaaS DAU/MAU Ratio Calculator
The SaaS DAU/MAU Ratio (Daily Active Users / Monthly Active Users) is the percentage indicator of monthly active users who use your product every day. A higher DAU/MAU ratio is an indication that customers find value in your software and include it in their daily routine.
SaaS Daily Active Users (DAU) Calculator
Think of Daily Active Users (DAU) as the individuals who sign into your SaaS application or visit website on a regular basis. High DAU indicates many people are enjoying the value of the product.
SaaS Valuation Calculator
Think of SaaS Valuation as the estimated worth of your software business. It reflects what investors believe your company is valued at based on its current performance and future potential.