SaaS Churn Rate Calculator
Consider the SaaS Churn Rate as a leaking bucket that illustrates the rate at which you are losing clients.
SaaS Churn Rate Calculator
Consider the SaaS Churn Rate as a leaking bucket that illustrates the rate at which you are losing clients.
Belang van Strategische Waarde
Knowing your churn rate helps in allocating resources effectively towards satisfying customers.
Operationele Impact
High churn indicates a need to put effort into keeping customers, instead of just acquiring new ones.
Lower churn leads to more reliable income and thus, is a prerequisite to sustainable growth.
SaaS Churn Rate
Hoe het SaaS-klantverloop te berekenen
To calculate your SaaS churn rate, please follow these steps:
Opmerking: The number of clients who left and the number at the start of the period should both be recorded using the same time period (monthly, quarterly, or yearly, for example). For further in-depth information, think about breaking down the churn rate by customer type or service plan.
SaaS Churn Rate = (Number of Churned Customers / Number of Customers at the Beginning of the Period) * 100
What is SaaS Churn Rate?
The percentage of clients who decide to cancel their subscriptions during a given time period is known as the SaaS Churn Rate. Een dienst met bijvoorbeeld een maandelijks klantverloop van 5% verwacht elke maand 5% van zijn abonnees te verliezen.
Aangezien klantverloop de groei en terugkerende inkomsten van het bedrijf beïnvloedt, is het essentieel om dit te begrijpen. Bedrijven kunnen hun aanbod verbeteren en de algehele klanttevredenheid verhogen door de redenen achter klantverloop te begrijpen.
Analyseer de klanttevredenheid en de effectiviteit van de dienstverlening om de gezondheid van uw organisatie te bepalen.
Maak strategische keuzes door de inkomsten te schatten en middelen zo efficiënt mogelijk toe te wijzen.
Verminder het verlies van klanten door retentiestrategieën te implementeren die proactief mensen identificeren die gevaar lopen.
Practical Examples of SaaS Churn Rate
Sample data and calculations showing customer churn over three months.
Maand | Startende Klanten | Customers Lost | afhaakpercentage | Change from Previous Month |
Maand 1 | 500 | 25 | 5.0% | – |
Maand 2 | 475 | 30 | 6.3% | +1.3% |
Maand 3 | 445 | 20 | 4.5% | -1.8% |
Between Months 1 and 2, the churn rate rose from 5.0% to 6.3%, suggesting a possible problem. But in Month 3, the churn rate dropped to 4.5%, which could be the result of other variables or improvement initiatives. Keeping an eye on these patterns over time might assist spot possible issues and increase client retention.
For instance, if 475 customers are initially acquired in month 2, and 30 of them leave, the churn rate is 6.3% (30/475)*100.
Het aantal klanten dat gedurende een bepaalde periode verloren is gegaan, gedeeld door het aantal klanten aan het begin van de periode, wordt vermenigvuldigd met 100 om het klantverloop te bepalen.
SaaS Churn Rate = (20 / 445) * 100 = 4.5%
Different Ways to Calculate SaaS Churn Rate
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