

发布时间: 2024年7月29日

最后更新: 2024年9月19日



Freemium is a revenue business model where SaaS (software-as-a-service) companies offer a basic version of a product or service for free. If users require advanced features, functionalities, or customer support, they need to upgrade to a paid subscription. 

The goal of the freemium business model is to appeal to a larger audience and convert free to paid users.

How does the freemium model benefit both SaaS providers and customers?

收入模式 benefits both users and SaaS providers, like: 

SaaS 提供商的优势: 

  • 更广泛的受众:免费的软件版本吸引客户。 
  • 增长潜力增加: 免费增值产品包被不同行业的用户选择。
  • Feedback generation: SaaS businesses can make use of the feedback received from users to modify their product or 定价策略.  

SaaS 用户的好处: 

  • 先试后买:用户可以在决定投资之前测试 SaaS 产品,并确定它是否适合他们的需求。 
  • 预算导向:免费增值套餐提供对基本功能软件版本的访问。 
  • 可扩展性: Customers can upgrade to a paid version of the software when they require additional features.

When is it appropriate to implement a freemium model for a SaaS product?

Implement a freemium model for a SaaS product is an appropriate move if: 

  • Product features can be divided: You can easily create premium and freemium packages.
  • You can handle user requests: You can respond to high support volumes.  
  • There’s an increased upgrade potential: Switching from freemium to a paid subscription is the path most users take.

What metrics should SaaS founders track to evaluate the success of a freemium model?

为了评估您的免费增值模式的运行情况,SaaS公司可以使用以下方法 SaaS 指标

  • 转化率:衡量从免费增值用户转换为付费订阅用户的百分比。 
  • 客户获取成本(CAC):评估获取新付费和免费客户的成本。
  • 客户流失率:计算已取消用户的百分比,他们的 订阅时,包括免费和付费用户。 
  • 客户生命周期价值 (CLV):确定用户在与您的品牌关系期间产生的收入。



  • 平衡的免费增值版本:创建提供基本功能的套餐,但要促进升级的想法。 
  • 提供明确的升级理由: Explain how upgrading to access paid features can solve challenges. 
  • Straightforward upgrade flow: Offer users a simple upgrade process so customers can transition to paid plans.


When considering making the switch to a premium-only SaaS model, businesses should consider the following aspects: 

  • Timing is essential: Transitioning to a paid-only plans business model is right when you have sufficient customers.
  • Clear messaging:向您现有的免费用户解释您为何要转向付费模式。 
  • 使用折扣或促销活动:考虑为现有免费用户提供持续的折扣价格访问权限。




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