How to Define Your SaaS Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)
发布时间: 2024年8月5日
最后更新: 2024年12月6日
要定义您的SaaS理想客户画像 (ICP),您需要评估的不仅仅是公司规模和行业等人口统计数据。挑战在于通过了解目标受众的特征来理解您的ICP,这些特征可以区分您的ICP。
行业: 其独特的 运营所在的领域(例如,医疗保健、金融、电子商务)。
公司规模: 中小企业、中型市场还是大型企业?由收入和员工人数共同决定。典型范围:
- 中小企业:年收入低于5000万美元,员工人数少于500人
- Mid-market: $50 million – $1 billion annual revenue, 500-2000 employees
- Enterprise: >$1 billion annual revenue, 2000+ employees
Growth Stage: Are they an established business or a startup?
Revenue: 您的定价是否与特定收入范围的预算相符?查找估算值和公开数据。
所在地: 您的客户是否位于特定的国家或地区?
技术栈: 您的服务旨在集成、补充还是替换他们已有的其他产品?
Buyer Persona: Who makes purchasing decisions (e.g., Head of Marketing, VP of Sales, CTO)? Do the decision-makers usually come from a specific department?
Use this worksheet to structure your figures and include columns for each of the data point. As you collect details, try to identify any patterns or commonalities.
Let’s say your product is project management software. Your data might reveal patterns such as:
- Industries: 主要为科技初创公司和电子商务公司,以及一些数字营销机构和非营利组织。
- 公司规模: 50-200名员工
- Revenue: 1000万美元 – 5000万美元
- 所在地:主要集中在北美和西欧
- 技术栈: 使用诸如 Slack、Asana、G Suite 和 Jira 等工具,以及基于云的文件存储解决方案。
- 买家画像:主要为项目经理,有时为部门负责人(市场总监、工程主管)
Collect Qualitative Data
With the numbers in mind, it’s time to dig into the details behind them.
Why it matters: While quantitative data reveals who your customers are, qualitative data tells you why they purchased your product. With this data, you will craft your marketing to align with your audience.
Consider a day in the life of your customer. Think about their daily activities, responsibilities, and goals. With this in mind, consider the trouble your ICP faces and the results they hope to achieve. Focus on these key areas:
- Pain Points: Before your customers came to your SaaS, what solutions were they looking for? For example, did they have lack of visibility into progress, difficulty with team collaboration or problems with manual data entry?
- Trigger Events: 是什么原因促使公司使用您的服务?是否有特定的事件促使他们这样做?例如,新的融资轮次、负面评价、因快速增长导致的规模化问题或法规变更。
- 期望的结果: 考虑设定的KPI或目标。他们是否希望提高客户满意度、简化内部流程、降低成本但提高生产力?
- 优势: 自从他们实施您的产品以来,有哪些方面得到了改善?这可能是更高的收入、更高的效率或节省时间。
- 为什么选择您的SaaS? Why did they choose you over a competitor? Use this information to clarify your benefits when selling to potential customers.
- “在使用我们的产品之前,您面临的主要挑战是什么?”
- “我们的产品在哪些方面帮助您实现了目标?”
- “哪些因素影响了您选择我们的产品而不是其他产品的决定?”
- “您如何描述使用我们产品的整体体验?”
By understanding their motivation, you can customize your marketing messaging to address your ICP’s needs.
- Pain Points: Difficulty tracking tasks across different teams, lack of visibility into project progress, inefficient communication and collaboration among team members.
- Trigger Events: A new project with a tight deadline, onboarding new team members, or experiencing delays/cost overruns on existing projects.
- 期望结果: 简化工作流程、提高团队生产力、改善项目可见性以及加强沟通。
- 优势: 减少项目延误、提高团队效率、提高透明度和责任感。
- 选择您SaaS的原因: 直观的界面、强大的功能、与现有工具的无缝集成、卓越的客户支持。
Segment Your Customers
After studying your ideal customers, segment the wider market for targeted outreach. The strategy will rely on the nature of your business.
Ask yourself these questions to segment your potential customers:
- What do my best customers have in common?: Is their location and size of their teams similar? Is the value of my product relevant to the same type of leader roles?
- 我的产品是否完美适用于某种类型的业务?:如果行业或公司规模明显相关,请从那里开始。
- 谁是决策者? 了解谁有最终决定权,无论是首席执行官还是营销总监,都将使您能够有针对性地传递信息。
不要试图一次性细分所有内容! 通过 2-3 个具有最相关特征的类别,您将找到您的 ICP。请考虑以下常见方法:
- 行业重点: 按客户的行业进行分类(例如,电子商务、营销机构、软件开发公司)。
- 公司规模: 按中小型企业 (SMB)、中端市场企业或大型公司进行划分。
- 基于角色: Prioritize by job title those who are likely to use your product (Marketers, Sales Managers, Developers, etc.).
- Pain-Point Focused: Group by the specific issues you resolved (need more website traffic, struggle to track expenses, have slow customer service, etc.).
If your product is a project management tool for teams, here’s how you could segment:
- By industry: Marketing agencies, construction companies, software development teams (each of these industries likely has unique project-related pain points).
- By company size: Small businesses and start-ups with limited resources or big companies with lots of moving parts.
- By decision-makers: 项目经理、团队负责人以及任何负责协调工作的人员。
首先,请确保您的分析工具显示了步骤 3 中的细分。
In your CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system, make tags or fields for each customer segment to track them (like Industry, Size, Role). For instance, tag customers as “Small Business”, “Enterprise”, “Tech” and “Manufacturing”. If you use other analytics tools, make sure you can filter data based on these same segment criteria.
- 客户流失率: 计算每个细分市场在设定时间段内(年度、季度)流失的客户数量。(例如,“上个季度,10%的营销机构客户流失了“)。您的目标是使中小型企业的月流失率低于5%,企业级客户的月流失率低于1%。请注意,早期SaaS公司的流失率可能接近10%。
- 客户生命周期价值 (CLV): 这是计算每个细分市场中的平均客户在整个合作关系中的花费。(有免费的在线计算器可以计算,例如, Upgrowth CLV Calculator). The benchmarks vary by industry, costs and business model type, your goal should be at least three times higher than your CAC (Customer acquisition cost).
- 客户获取成本 (CAC): The amount you spend on sales and marketing to acquire each customer in a segment. The ideal does vary, but the point is to avoid eating all your profit from CLV. For SaaS businesses, a general rule is that your CAC should be recouped within 12 months of the customer’s lifetime.
Determine the segment that shows a relatively low churn (higher CLV) and acquisition costs that are relatively manageable. These numbers may reveal which customer values your product and is likely to remain loyal, thereby being a cost effective acquisition.
- 细分 A: 小型企业(少于 100 名员工)
- 细分 B: 中型企业。(100 – 1000 名员工)
- Segment C: Established firms. (1000 and more)
Your analysis might reveal some data like this:
细分 |
Company Size |
# Accounts |
客户流失率 |
CLV (annual) |
A类细分 |
小型企业 |
150 |
10%(每月) |
$2400 |
$350 |
B类细分 |
中端市场 |
300 |
4%(每月) |
$4800 |
$500 |
C类细分市场 |
企业 |
50 |
2%(每月) |
$10,000+ |
$1,500 |
- 细分 A: 小型企业在您的客户群中占很大比例,但与其他客户相比,它们的客户流失率更高,客户生命周期价值更低,这表明需要量身定制的客户保留策略。不妨考虑一些替代方案,例如客户支持、有针对性的入职培训和功能升级,以提高客户参与度并防止客户流失。
细分 B: 中型企业是您客户群的最大组成部分,流失率适中,客户生命周期价值相对较高,因此这可能是需要重点研究的数据领域。考虑通过向上销售和交叉销售来扩大此细分市场的机会。 - Segment C: Though smaller in quantity, Enterprise typically have the highest CLV and the lowest churn rate. But the (higher) CAC indicates that these customers require more resources to acquire. In order to shorten the sales cycle and reduce costs, optimize your marketing and sales strategies with this group.
Remember: these numbers are hypothetical, your data will rely on the industry, target market and pricing structure.
Refine, Test, Repeat
A static ICP will likely need updating. It should evolve as your business, the market, and your customer base change. Regularly reviewing and altering your ICP will help your sales and marketing teams focus on the right prospects.
Track Results
Monitor your SaaS analytics, sales, and marketing performance and analyze how your target segments are interacting with your product.
Are they utilizing the features that matter most? How engaged are they with the service? Look at churn rates, too – are certain types of customers leaving more quickly? Understanding why they leave is gold for refining your ICP.
On the sales side, pay attention to conversion rates for each segment. Are some exceling while others struggle? This tells you where your targeting is accurate. Also, keep an eye on how long it takes to close deals. If some segments are dragging their feet, it could mean your ICP isn’t quite lining up with their actual buying process.
营销效果只是拼图中的一块。哪些营销活动吸引了最合格的潜在客户?哪些渠道与您的目标理想客户画像 (ICP) 产生了共鸣?这些信息可能会帮助您调整策略。
此外,与您的客户成功团队沟通。他们与您的客户建立关系。了解您的客户最喜欢您的产品的哪些方面、它为他们解决了哪些问题以及他们可能仍然存在的任何痛点。如果他们的反馈与您当前的 ICP 不完全匹配,这是一个有价值的线索。
使用数据和见解来调整您的 ICP。优化这些细分市场,如果发现新的机会,则缩小您的关注范围或扩大范围。调整您的信息传递,以满足您优化后的细分市场的特定需求和痛点。并且不要害怕尝试不同的渠道,看看您的 ICP 在哪里活跃。
Schedule regular evaluations of your ICP (例如,每年或每半年)
Since your market is dynamic, your ideal customer definition should be too. Schedule check-ins to re-evaluate your ICP, once or twice a year. Look at market trends, competitor activity, and product/service changes to ensure your ICP is accurate.
- 研究您的客户,找出他们在行业、规模、地点、收入、增长阶段、技术和买家角色等方面的共同点。
- Collect qualitative data on their pain points and purchase triggers.
- Segment customers and research metrics for each to identify your ICP.
An ICP should include firm demographics (industry, company size, revenue, location, tech stack), and psychographics (your customers’ pain points, goals, and trigger events that prompt them to seek your solution.)
An ICP defines the ideal company (industry, size, etc.), while a 买家画像 代表公司内的特定人员(职位、挑战等)。两者都是定位的关键,并且经常一起使用。
- 避免在您的理想客户画像(ICP)中过于宽泛或笼统。
- 使用数据,而不是假设。
- 考虑买家的意图和痛点。
- 记住要随着时间的推移迭代和完善您的理想客户画像(ICP)。
Absolutely! It’s common for SaaS companies to have multiple ICPs, especially as your business expands into different markets or offers more products/services, and attracts different types of customers.