发布时间: 2024年9月6日
最后更新: 11月 26, 2024
Instead of conducting general market research, market validation involves directly testing your proposed product with potential customers. It involves asking the people who would be most likely to buy your product (perhaps they bought similar products in the past) and asking them if they want or need it.
The purpose is to evaluate potential product-market fit. This decreases the chance of failure after launch, which would be much more costly.
Solicit feedback from potential customers in order to develop a successful product. You’re evaluating the potential demand for your product before committing to the lengthy and costly process of developing the full software.
Market validating your product is more likely to appeal to potential investors, if your SaaS business seeks funding. Market validation:
- 避免浪费资源: 根据市场验证采纳或拒绝想法。
- 使您的产品更容易成功: 根据客户反馈开发 SaaS 产品。
- 提供学习体验: learn about what customers need and what they can pay for your product.
Conduct market research first to understand your audience, then validate your product for a specific problem.
What is the difference between market research and market validation?
Market research is more general and involves identifying 行业趋势 and patterns within a given economic market. In contrast, market validation is more focused on surveying and testing specific sectors of the market, containing customers who might be potential buyers of your product or supporters of your product idea.
How do you validate a product-market fit?
Validating product-market fit involves making sure that your product can genuinely solve a problem for your potential audience. The process involves these steps:
- 选择您的理想客户: 根据以往的购买习惯、未被满足的需求、人口统计数据和其他因素,准确考虑谁最有可能购买您的产品。
- 确定他们的动机: 找到您的产品可以提供的解决方案,以解决这些难题。
- 提供您的产品来帮助他们: show how your product solves their problems and then confirm whether the solution works for your audience.
- Gain insights based on feedback: work out whether your solution was successful based on patterns in the data, collect adjustments you could make, and confirm your typical user would be willing to pay for your software (and how much).
- Change and improve your product: improve your product based on feedback from customers; this ensures it will better suit your target market.
You can use landing pages or email lists to generate excitement before you go to market.
What are the two common ways to validate the market?
Two types of market validation methodology are:
- Surveys and Interviews: simply ask your users what they think of your product via a questionnaire or structured/unstructured interview.
- Minimum Viable Product (MVP): 通过MVP或软件的基本原型来定位早期采用者,并了解这些用户的想法。