

发布时间: 9 月 11, 2024

最后更新: 11月 26, 2024




This agreement will explain the legal rights, responsibilities and obligations of each party as it pertains to developing, marketing, selling or supporting a SaaS product/service.


  • 保密性: Highly proprietary details and sensitive business information shared amongst the partners should be safeguarded to prevent leaks and maintain trust.
  • 争议解决: A plan to resolve any type of conflict should be specific so there are no legal disputes. This should include how to resolve conflicts through negotiation, mediation, and/or arbitration.
  • Intellectual Property: 为了保护合作关系中的每一方,在法律关系存续期间创建和使用的任何事物的所有权和使用权都应明确规定并加以概述。
  • Scope: 为避免任何意外,角色、责任和期望应具有明确的性质,并在法律条款中明确阐述。
  • 终止: 概述终止协议的所有条件以及应遵循的程序。 


SaaS 和软件公司通常为合作伙伴关系采用各种付款模式,包括以下几种:

  • 收入分成: 合作伙伴按照约定的比例分享产生的收入,双方都有激励措施。
  • 推荐费: 为了鼓励线索生成,每位合作伙伴因向另一方推荐客户而获得佣金。
  • 固定费用: 显而易见,为特定服务支付固定费用,为清晰度设定明确的期望。
  • 订阅 费用: 为了兼顾可扩展性和灵活性,需要支付定期费用才能访问软件产品或服务。


Is a SaaS agreement a license agreement?

是的,一个 SaaS协议 is a type of license agreement. It allows buyers the right to use the software under specific spelled-out terms to which they agree.

The customer’s rights and limitations regarding software usage should be both fully distinguished and understood to avoid any disputes.


They are specific conditions used in contracts that are designed to protect the partnership.  Some common terms include:

  • Acceptable Use Policy (AUP): To be clear and to prevent any misuse or abuse of the software, specific details showing what is permissible and what is prohibited are outlined.
  • 数据处理协议 (DPA): 为了保护用户隐私,明确个人数据的处理方式以及如何遵守 数据保护 相关法规。
  • 赔偿条款: 为了保护双方的利益,明确了可能发生的损害或风险的责任归属。
  • Service Level Agreement (SLA): 为了设定适当的期望,服务水平协议(SLA)定义了预期的性能和可用性,以及其他 SaaS 指标 认为有必要定义的内容。


How do I write a SaaS agreement?

您可以使用模板,但建议咨询专门从事SaaS和技术法律的律师,以确认协议是根据您的业务需求量身定制的,并且 合规性 与相关法律的合规性在合同中有所概述。

Pro Tip

在聘请律师时,请确保他们具有SaaS协议方面的经验,并且他们对您的 商业模式 is fully acknowledged.


A legal agreement is a necessary component to any successful partnership and integration in the SaaS market. You must protect your company and foster mutually beneficial collaborations by putting into place a proper legal agreement after understanding the key concepts from legal counsel with the appropriate expertise.


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