全球销售,无后顾之忧:为您的 SaaS 提供注册商服务

PayPro Global 合作伙伴:Xcart
PayPro Global 合作伙伴:Disk Internals
PayPro Global 合作伙伴:Orderry
PayPro Global 合作伙伴:Clario
PayPro Global 合作伙伴:Epic Games
PayPro Global 合作伙伴:LITI
PayPro Global 合作伙伴:Xcart
PayPro Global 合作伙伴:Disk Internals
PayPro Global 合作伙伴:Orderry
PayPro Global 合作伙伴:Clario
PayPro Global 合作伙伴:Epic Games
PayPro Global 合作伙伴:LITI

PayPro Global 如何处理您的税务

步骤 1

Checkout Selection

⁤The shopper visits your website, selects their desired SaaS products or services, and adds them to the cart, proceeding to the checkout page. ⁤

步骤 2

Secure Payment Processing

Once the customer adds their payment information, our MOR model safely processes the transaction on your behalf. ⁤⁤Thanks to multiple payment gateway integrations, we can ensure smooth payments. ⁤

步骤 3

Authorization and Settlement

PayPro Global’s Merchant of Record authorizes the payment, confirming the funds' availability. We then settle the payment, transferring the funds directly to your account.

步骤 4


我们确保每笔交易都符合当地和国际法律法规,包括数据保护和反洗钱措施。如果发生争议或退款请求,PayPro Global 将为您处理整个流程。

步骤 5



Introducing the Merchant of Record

Tap into a global payments infrastructure and instantly reach international markets without the logistical and financial burden.

  • Customer
  • Customer
  • Customer
Joining 箭头右

MoR 向客户销售

MoR 承担最终交易的责任和义务,因为它是处理交易的实体。


MoR 向卖家购买



Don’t Let The Growth Struggle Slow You Down. 改用PayPro Global的一体化工具包。

Merchant of Record: Cross-border payments. Unlock global sales


With the help of PayPro Global's Merchant of Record model, you can increase your reach and optimize your revenue potential by making foreign transactions easier.

  • 本地专业知识: Reallocate resources and concentrate on acquiring new clients while having access to legal entities in important global markets and complete compliance with local laws and tax rules.
  • Payment Flexibility: Enjoy a variety of local currencies and payment options to open up new markets more quickly and easily.
  • Currency Conversion: We take care of all currency conversions, so you never have to worry about changing exchange rates when accepting payments in different currencies.
  • Language Localization: We improve the overall purchasing experience by providing localized checkout processes and communications.
Merchant of record: Global tax and compliance. Stress-free tax compliance
Global Tax & Compliance



  • 简化销售税: 作为您的名义商户,我们将代表您计算、收取、申报和缴纳税款,从而为您节省宝贵的时间和资源。
  • PCI-DSS一级认证合作伙伴: 我们的支付处理解决方案符合支付卡行业数据安全标准(PCI-DSS)一级标准,这是最严格的安全合规级别。
  • 转移税务责任: 选择 PayPro Global 作为您的 MoR,管理全球所有客户相关税务的负担将从您转移到我们。
Merchant of record: Subscription management. Simplify global billing


Optimize subscription administration, automate processes, and begin concentrating on expanding your SaaS on a global level.

  • Extended Subscription Capabilities: Billing for various frequencies and models, including tiered pricing are automated to cater to diverse customer needs.
  • Automated and Tax-Compliant Invoices: Tax computations and compliance are handled in more than 180 countries by automating the complete invoicing operations.
  • 尝试不同的定价策略: Easily handle a wide range of pricing plans and high-volume transactions to grow your company without compromising effectiveness.
  • Brand-Consistency: Reinforce your brand identity by customizing invoices to match your visual style.
Merchant of record: Fraud detection and prevention. Safeguard your revenue



  • 机器学习检测算法: By analyzing and gaining knowledge from millions of shoppers' behavior, our algorithms are able to identify fraudulent intent and adjust swiftly to changing patterns. ⁤
  • Customizable Support Flows: 通过集成的风险检测措施,量身定制用户支持互动,快速发现并阻止欺诈者。⁤
  • Card Tester Blocking: 我们积极阻止测试被盗卡信息的尝试,防止未经授权的收费影响您的业务。⁤
  • 结账页面监控: 每笔交易都通过我们的动态加密和哈希设置进行加强,从而在结账期间保护关键的支付信息。
Merchant of record: Customer support and assistance. Your partner in success
Customer Support & Assistance

Your Partner in Success

⁤Our MOR goes beyond transaction processing, offering dedicated customer support solutions designed to enhance your business operations and customer satisfaction. ⁤

  • 24/7/365 Customer Support: 我们专业的支持团队全天候待命,处理任何问题或疑问,保证为您和您的客户提供及时高效的帮助。⁤
  • 风险分析验证: 通过细致的风险分析和对订单的全面最终验证,识别并阻止可能的欺诈活动。
  • 退款和争议管理: By managing chargebacks and disputes on your behalf, you can avoid financial losses and safeguard your company's reputation. ⁤
  • Fast MoR Integration: With our simplified integration procedure, you can easily integrate with our MoR model and start enjoying its advantages right away.
  • Extended Support Network: Think of our customer service representatives as an extension of your own, providing extra tools and knowledge to improve your capacity to provide customer care.
Market Expansion & Operational Efficiency


与 PayPro Global 合作,作为您的注册商户,将开启快速进入市场和优化运营的无限机遇。

  • 轻松进入市场: PayPro Global 处理所有税务复杂问题,无需设立本地实体,并确保完全符合法律法规,让您可以专注于核心业务。
  • 提升客户体验: 通过提供当地货币、首选支付方式和体验的区域特定结账,从更高的转化率中获益。⁤
  • 战略定价: 根据您希望进入的市场,尝试动态定价策略、账单频率、竞争性定价和溢价定价。⁤
  • 有针对性的营销活动,实现最大影响力: Leverage PayPro Global's regional expertise to craft marketing campaigns that resonate with local audiences, driving customer acquisition and engagement. ⁤
  • Higher Approval Rates, More Revenue: Payment authorization rates are optimized in key markets thanks to our understanding of regional payment ecosystems, resulting in reduced declines and increased sales.

The Merchant of Record that helps your SaaS grow.
