SaaS 销售


发布时间: 2024年9月30日

最后更新: 11月 26, 2024

了解SaaS销售指标的世界。学习如何识别关键绩效指标 (KPI),利用数据实现增长,并克服在跟踪和分析方面的挑战。


  • 销售指标: 这些是可量化的数据点,用于跟踪销售过程的各个部分,如潜在客户的产生、转化率和平均交易规模。
  • 关键绩效指标 (KPI): 关键绩效指标是业务增长所必需的特定指标。它们还有助于评估销售工作是否按计划实现这些目标。

What is the Difference Between KPIs and Sales Metrics?


To buttress this, “number of website victors” is a metric; however, “Customer Lifetime Value” is a KPI that directly reflects your long-term profitability.

What Are the Most Important Sales Metrics for SaaS Companies?

While every SaaS business is unique, there are certain essential 指标 that do apply across the board:

  • 每月经常性收入 (MRR): The business’s predictable monthly income from 订阅时, which could be considered the lifeblood of SaaS.
  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): The amount it costs to get a new customer.
  • 客户生命周期价值 (CLV): The calculation of the value that a customer brings to a business by their relationship. 
  • 客户流失率: Another metric is the percentage of customers who cancel their subscriptions.
  • 销售周期时长: 完成一笔商业交易的平均时间。


How Can SaaS Companies Use Sales Metrics to Improve Performance?


  • 识别瓶颈: Businesses should consider if their CAC is too high. Also, the length of their sales cycle. These metrics could help identify areas to be improved. 
  • 预测收入: 通过充分了解月度经常性收入(MRR)和流失率,可以预测未来事件并制定相应的计划。 
  • 优化营销和销售: 还需要考虑特定营销活动是否能带来高价值客户。还可以分析各项指标,以有效分配资源。
  • 改进 客户留存: 可以监控客户流失率和客户满意度指标,以减少客户流失。

For example, if a business has a high churn rate, investigations should be carried out on why customers leave. Modifications to the product may be implemented to align with customer requirements. Additionally, appropriate customer support could be integrated.


While essential to businesses, tracking and analyzing sales metrics can present some challenges:

  • Data Overload: Businesses need to concentrate on the most important aspects of their businesses. This is to prevent a sheer overwhelm of the volume of data available. 
  • 数据准确性: 企业应确保数据收集的准确性和可靠性。企业应投资于分析工具和强大的报告系统。
  • 归因: 将收入归因于特定的营销和销售活动可能很困难。企业可以探索多点触控归因模型以获得更清晰的见解。


掌握 SaaS 销售指标和 KPI 是一个持续的过程。企业收集的数据可能会为决策过程提供信息。这种趋势可能会促进 SaaS 企业的发展。


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