What is SaaS Cloud Migration?
发布时间: 2024年10月16日
最后更新: 11月 26, 2024
What is SaaS Cloud Migration?
SaaS 云迁移是将您的软件应用程序从本地基础设施迁移到基于云的软件即服务 (SaaS) 平台的过程。
This means instead of hosting and managing your software yourself, a third-party provider handles everything, delivering the software to you over the internet.
Why Migrate to SaaS?
Businesses migrate to 软件即服务 (SaaS) for varying reasons. Normally, companies do it when they want to adjust their resources and assign other tasks to their IT teams. Here are some of the main factors that influence a migration to SaaS:
- 成本: Businesses may look to cloud migration for cost purposes; on-premises are typically more expensive.
可扩展性: Cloud services move resources based on real-time demands. - 可访问性: 当员工不在办公室工作时,公司通常会迁移到SaaS云。本地基础设施只能在现场使用,而云是远程的。
- 更新: 考虑迁移到 云服务 如果您和您的IT团队需要自动更新。
- 协作: 如果您的团队成员分布在多个地点,请考虑云迁移。
What Are the 4 Approaches for Cloud Migration?
- 直接迁移(Lift and Shift): 也称为重新托管。在此过程中,您将应用程序从本地迁移到云端,但不会进行太多更改。
- 重构: 也称为平台重构。在此阶段,您会根据云设置对应用程序进行细微调整。
- Rebuild/Re-architecturing: 在此阶段,您为云重新设计应用程序。
- Replacing/Repurchasing: 在此阶段,您将完全切换到基于云的 SaaS 应用程序。
SaaS 迁移有哪些挑战?
Things to consider when migrating from on-premises to SaaS are:
- 安全: Focus on encrypting your data and keeping it within the cloud.
- 供应商锁定: Look at what vendors offer in significant detail before signing an agreement.
- Integration: Your SaaS applications need to still work within your systems.
- 自定义: 考虑您是否需要本地部署软件的灵活性。
- Migration: 仔细规划您的数据传输。
成功进行 SaaS 迁移的最佳实践是什么?
- 目标设定: 首先考虑您为什么要迁移。
- 提供商: 研究不同的SaaS提供商,并思考您的目标。
- 规划: 设定实际的时间表并概述每个步骤。
- 安全性: 确保您的数据在整个过程中都是安全的。
- Testing: 在完成迁移之前测试您的SaaS应用程序,并在需要时进行调整。
- 培训: 培训您的团队如何使用新的云服务。
- Monitoring: Look at your cloud and identify where you may need to make alterations.
Cloud migration is common across industries for many reasons, but it’s important to understand the full picture before committing. Think about your business’s needs and how important costs, flexibility, and updates are to you. When planning a migration, consider your resources and rigorously plan the entire process.