
What is Cloud Security?

发布时间: 2024年10月21日

最后更新: 11月 26, 2024


What is Cloud Security?

Cloud security is a set of technologies designed to protect data, apps, and cloud computing infrastructure. Policies and controls also form a part of cloud security. 



共同责任决定了云服务提供商 (CSP) 和客户都对安全负责。CSP 负责云“本身”的安全(例如,底层基础设施、物理数据中心、网络以及软件/硬件)。 

同时,客户负责其 SaaS 云“内部”的安全。责任包括: 

  • 数据:客户控制谁可以访问应用程序、如何使用应用程序/数据以及这些数据存储在哪里。 
  • 访问控制:管理权限、用户帐户和身份验证方法,以限制只有授权人员才能访问。 


The main areas to consider when using SaaS are:

  1. Data Breaches: Protect yourself against financial/reputational damage by addressing data loss, sensitive information exposure, and unauthorized access early.  
  2. 配置管理对于确保安全控制和设置得到正确配置至关重要,从而减少漏洞和潜在攻击。

谁拥有 SaaS 应用程序中的数据?组织如何在 SaaS 环境中保持对其数据的控制?


  • 了解SaaS提供商的数据处理实践:查看您的提供商的服务条款和数据处理协议。了解他们如何保护、存储和处理数据。 
  • 实施强大的访问控制:多因素身份验证 (MFA)、访问审查审计和基于角色的访问控制 (RBAC) 至关重要。 
  • 数据加密:加密传输中和静态数据。这样做应该可以阻止未经授权的访问。 
  • 数据备份:执行独立的SaaS数据备份,以便在出现问题时可以恢复信息。

如何保护云 SaaS?


  • Strong Passwords/MFA: Use strong passwords (and make employees regularly change these). Use MFA, such as two-factor authentication, for an additional layer. 
  • 定期更新和补丁:保持SaaS更新,并尽快下载安全补丁。 
  • Employee Education: Train employees so they know about cloud security practices. They should understand how to set strong passwords, handle data safely, and identify phishing emails. 
  • Regular Audits & Assessments: Perform audits to find and address possible risks; vulnerability assessments are also essential in this regard. 
  • Incident Response Plan: Know what you’ll do to take action quickly if something goes wrong.


Cloud security is vital in modern computing; you and your cloud provider have individual responsibilities. Understanding what you’re responsible for (e.g. data protection) is critical to maximize security. You should also stay informed on emerging threats, perform regular audits, and educate your employees.


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