SaaS 指标和 KPI

What is SaaS MRR Growth?

发布时间: 2024年11月22日

最后更新: 11月 26, 2024

SaaS 月度经常性收入增长:SaaS 成功的关键指标。本指南解释了其计算方法、重要性以及不同类型的月度经常性收入。

What is SaaS MRR Growth?

SaaS MRR增长是指SaaS公司的月度经常性收入(MRR)的增长。它是衡量财务状况的关键指标,显示了组织吸引和留住客户的能力,最终形成可行的商业计划。





How is SaaS MRR Growth calculated?

SaaS MRR增长是一个关键指标,显示了SaaS公司经常性收入增长的速度。以下是它的计算方法:  

  1. 计算每个月的净MRR

First, you need to calculate your Net Monthly Recurring Revenue (Net MRR) for each month. This involves factoring in various components:

  • Starting MRR: Your MRR at the beginning of the month.
  • 新增MRR: Revenue from new customers acquired during the month.  
  • 扩展MRR: 现有客户升级套餐或购买附加组件带来的收入增长。  
  • 客户流失带来的月度经常性收入: 因客户取消订阅而损失的收入。  
  • 收缩MRR: 现有客户降级套餐带来的收入减少。  

净月度经常性收入 = 期初月度经常性收入 + 新增月度经常性收入 + 扩展月度经常性收入 - 客户流失带来的月度经常性收入 - 收缩月度经常性收入

  1. Calculate MRR Growth Rate

Once you have the Net MRR for at least two consecutive months, you can calculate the growth rate:

MRR Growth Rate = [(Net MRR This Month – Net MRR Last Month) / Net MRR Last Month] * 100  


  • Last month’s Net MRR: $10,000
  • 本月净MRR: $12,000

MRR Growth Rate = [($12,000 – $10,000) / $10,000] * 100 = 20%

Why is MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue) crucial for SaaS companies?





  • not considering discounts and trial memberships
  • 不包含一次性付款
  • 不将年度订阅标准化为每月成本。 

设置成本和入职费用是一次性付款的示例,不应计入 MRR,因为它们不被视为经常性收入。 

为了确保在 MRR 中正确表示,年度订阅必须除以 12 才能确定其每月等价值。MRR 还受到折扣和试用订阅的影响;请务必考虑它们的影响,以防止估算中出现错误。


SaaS 组织使用不同形式的 MRR 来检查增长潜力、客户参与度和收入趋势。这些包括流失 MRR、重新激活 MRR、收缩 MRR、扩张 MRR 和新 MRR。

  • Revenue from recently acquired clients is represented by the new MRR, which shows how well the business is able to draw in new clients.
  • Expansion MRR reflects revenue growth from existing clients upgrading their plans or adding services, potentially indicating customer satisfaction and 追加销售机会 without guaranteeing success.
  • Contraction MRR indicates opportunities for improvement in customer satisfaction and retention by showing lost revenue as a result of downgraded plans or customer 客户流失.
  • Reactivation MRR shows the company’s capacity to regain lost consumers by capturing revenue from customers who previously left but have now returned.
  • Revenue lost as a result of client cancellations is represented by churn MRR, which highlights areas in which the business should concentrate on 留存 tactics.

SaaS organizations may learn a lot about their revenue dynamics, customer behavior, and growth potential by monitoring these various forms of MRR. They can use this information to make well-informed decisions regarding marketing plans, client retention programs, and 产品开发.

务必记住,要全面了解公司的整体财务状况和增长轨迹,应将 MRR 指标与其他财务指标和客户数据结合起来进行考察。


SaaS 公司的客户获取和保留举措的成功与否,可以通过 SaaS MRR 的增长来体现,这是衡量财务健康状况的关键绩效指标。为了准确评估 SaaS MRR,必须避免常见的错误,例如忽略折扣、一次性付款和年度订阅变更。 




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