用户体验 (UX) & 用户界面 (UI)

UX 设计中的 SaaS 可访问性是什么?

发布时间: 12 月 9, 2024


UX 设计中的 SaaS 可访问性是什么?

The design of software as a service (SaaS) products that are usable by individuals with a variety of skills and disabilities is known as SaaS accessibility. This UI/UX design feature guarantees that all customers may access and utilize a SaaS product, irrespective of their cognitive or physical capabilities. Meeting accessibility standards in SaaS solutions is important, and it also allows access to a larger user base. To deliver an inclusive user experience and prevent the need for expensive retrofits, developers should consider accessibility from the beginning. 

Why is accessibility Important for SaaS?

In SaaS, accessibility is essential for both moral and business reasons. From an ethical perspective, it promotes social justice and inclusivity by guaranteeing individuals with disabilities equitable access to digital resources. From a business perspective, expanding brand awareness, enhancing customer loyalty, broadening market reach, and optimizing user experience are observed.

  • 道德责任: 确保残疾人士公平地获取数字资源符合道德标准,并促进社会公正。
  • 包容性设计:通过允许每个人平等参与并分享他们的技能,无障碍性促进了一个更具包容性的社会。
  • 遵守法律法规: Implementing ADA regulations is essential for complying with accessibility guidelines.  
  • Relationship between Ethics and Consumer Trust:注重透明度和可访问性可能会影响品牌忠诚度。
  • 可访问性和客户成果: 可访问的功能可能会提高客户满意度,并且 留存 通过使所有用户更有效地使用SaaS,尽管具体结果可能因情况而异。
  • 初始开发费用: Additional development efforts might be needed to provide accessibility features, but these expenditures eventually pay dividends.
  • 设计和测试的复杂性: 确保功能可访问需要一个复杂的设计和可访问性测试流程。

How can you test SaaS product accessibility?


  1. 了解 WCAG要求(Web内容可访问性指南) to ensure that web content is usable for people with disabilities.
  2. Consider these factors while evaluating your SaaS product, particularly considering important features like keyboard navigation, screen reader compatibility, color contrast, and alternative text for photos.
  3. 利用各种测试技术和资源,包括自动化辅助功能扫描器、手动测试以及与残疾人士进行的用户测试。
  4. 手动检查屏幕阅读器兼容性是否达到最佳状态,以及键盘导航是否流畅。
  5. 要查找可能存在的辅助功能问题,请运行自动扫描。
  6. 要获得直接反馈,请在测试过程中 включите残疾人士。
  7. 为了持续改进,请将辅助功能测试纳入整个产品开发生命周期。请记住,这是一个持续的过程。


SaaS 用户体验设计,辅助功能至关重要,因为它会影响可读性和用户体验。它确保所有用户,无论其能力或残疾如何,都可以访问和使用 SaaS 产品。 





  • 扩大您的客户群,将残疾人士包括在内: Accessible software as a service (SaaS) products enable you to connect with a larger audience, which includes the 15% of the global population that has a handicap.
  • Improving your brand image: Providing accessible products shows that your business values social responsibility and diversity, which can boost your brand’s standing.
  • Promoting innovation: Creating goods that are accessible frequently results in creative solutions that help all users, not just those with impairments.



  • Initial development costs: Compared to non-accessible products, implementing accessibility features may involve a larger upfront investment.



SaaS 的一个重要特性是无障碍性,它不仅为残疾人士,也为所有人改善了用户体验。它提升了所有用户的体验,扩大了市场覆盖范围,并提高了品牌知名度。企业通过优先考虑无障碍性,展现了其对社会责任的承诺,并营造了一个更受欢迎和无障碍的数字环境。


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