SaaS Net Dollar Retention (NDR) Calculator

考虑 净美元留存率 (NDR) 像一个漏水的桶;一个高的 NDR 意味着你正在修补漏洞,并且注水的速度比水流失的速度更快。

  • 马赛克图像

    NDR 的战略价值

    NDR helps companies allocate resources for maximum ROI.

  • 马赛克图像

    Revenue Stability

    Effective NDR ensures predictable income generation.

  • 马赛克图像

    Growth Efficiency

    Strong NDR allows rapid growth without needing more customers.

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📈 结果

SaaS Net Dollar Retention (NDR)

Net Dollar Retention (NDR) measures the percentage of recurring revenue retained from existing customers over time, including expansions, contractions, and churn. An NDR above 100% indicates growth from existing customers.

如何计算 SaaS 净美元留存率 (NDR)

要确定您的SaaS NDR,请按照以下步骤操作:

  1. 确定您的起始月度经常性收入 (MRR)。 这是您在分析期间开始时的每月经常性收入总额。例如,一家小型SaaS公司可能以20,000美元的MRR开始,而一家大型公司可能以500,000美元开始。
  2. 计算您的扩展月度经常性收入。 This is the additional MRR generated from existing customers through upgrades or add-ons during the period. A small SaaS might see a $2,000 increase, while a large one might see $50,000.
  3. 确定您的流失月度经常性收入这是在此期间因客户取消订阅而损失的MRR。一家小型企业可能会流失1,000美元,而一家大型企业可能会流失20,000美元。
  4. 计算您的降级MRR。 这是指在此期间客户降级订阅所导致的MRR减少。例如,一家小公司可能会因降级而损失 500 美元,而一家大公司可能会损失 5,000 美元。
  5. 应用公式。 For example, if you have $20,000 starting MRR, $2,000 expansion, $1,000 churn, and $500 downgrade, the calculation would be ($20,000 + $2,000 – $1,000 – $500) / $20,000.
  6. 计算结果。 使用之前的示例,结果将为 20,500 美元 / 20,000 美元 = 1.025。然后乘以 100 得到百分比:1.025 * 100 = 102.5%。

注意: 健康的 NDR 通常高于 100%,表明您的现有客户随着时间的推移产生更多收入。请确保所有数值使用相同的时间段。

SaaS Net Dollar Retention (NDR) = (Starting MRR + Expansion MRR – Churned MRR – Downgrade MRR) / Starting MRR

Understanding SaaS Net Dollar Retention (NDR)

Ioana Grigorescu

1 月 14, 2025

What is Net Dollar Retention (NDR)?

Taking into consideration cancellations, downgrades, and upgrades, SaaS Net Dollar Retention (NDR) calculates the proportion of recurring revenue kept from current clients. A thriving SaaS business is indicated by an NDR of 100%, which shows that revenue from existing clients is steady or increasing. On the other hand, an NDR below 100% indicates that you are losing money and that your customer base has to be better nurtured.


  • Increase revenue by taking advantage of expansion among current clients, which is a crucial sign of long-term viability.


  • Use transparent data on client happiness, upselling, and problem areas to inform strategic choices.


  • Evaluate the success of customer success initiatives and the general strength of accounts to gauge business performance.

Practical Examples of SaaS Net Dollar Retention

  • 示例 1: In 2020, a SaaS company started with $100,000 in annual recurring revenue. By 2021, they lost $10,000 due to cancellations but gained $20,000 in upsells. Thus, their Net Dollar Retention was ($100,000 – $10,000 + $20,000) / $100,000 = 110%.
  • Example 2: A software firm initially generating $500,000 managed to increase its revenue by $50,000 from existing customers through upselling, although $25,000 was lost to churn. Their NDR calculation would be ($500,000 – $25,000 + $50,000) / $500,000 = 105%.
  • 示例 3: Consider a company with $200,000 starting revenue. Despite experiencing $30,000 in churn, it partially offset these losses by acquiring $40,000 through upgrades. Therefore, the Net Dollar Retention stood at ($200,000 – $30,000 + $40,000) / $200,000 = 105%.
期间 起始月度经常性收入 (MRR) 升级 降级 客户流失 期末月度经常性收入 净美元留存率 与上一期间的变化
第1个月 $500,000 $50,000 $10,000 $15,000 $525,000 105.0% 不适用
第2个月 $525,000 $60,000 $12,000 $13,000 $560,000 106.7% +1.7%
第3个月 $560,000 $70,000 $15,000 $10,000 $605,000 108.0% +1.3%

NDR = ($560,000 + $70,000 – $10,000 – $15,000) / $560,000 = 1.08

计算净收入留存率 (NDR) 的不同方法

  • 简易净美元留存率计算方法: 将期末总收入除以同期期初总收入(不包括任何新销售额)。此方法有助于快速了解客户扩张和流失的影响。
  • NDR Calculation Including Churn: Accounts for revenue lost due to customer churn, providing a detailed view on revenue changes and churn’s impact. Key for long-term planning.
  • NDR Calculation by Segments: 将客户划分为不同的群体(例如,按规模、行业、套餐类型)。识别成功的细分市场,以便有效地调整业务策略。
  • 调整后的净收入留存率: Adjustments are made for contractual upgrades/downgrades and one-time fees to accurately reflect recurring revenue behavior.

如何提高您的 SaaS 净收入留存率

  • 提升产品和服务质量: 为了降低客户流失率并提高客户留存率,请持续提供卓越的产品或服务,为客户提供超出预期的体验。
  • Deliver Outstanding Customer Service: Make sure your support staff is helpful, informed, and quick to respond to any client concerns.
  • Remain accessible and visible: Keep the lines of communication open with your clients by providing frequent updates and being easily accessible across multiple platforms.
  • 教育您的客户: 提供指南、研讨会和教程,帮助您的客户充分利用您的产品。
  • 表达对客户的感谢: 经常通过感谢信、客户聚焦或激励计划来感谢您的客户。
  • 收集客户反馈: 分发调查问卷,以了解更多关于需要改进的领域和客户满意度。
  • 主动联系失去互动的客户: 联系已停止使用您产品的客户,找出原因并促进重新互动。
  • 提供留存奖励: 为了鼓励客户继续使用您的业务,可以向他们提供折扣、独家优惠或启动忠诚度计划。
  • Review Your Value Proposition: If you’re having trouble lowering churn, take another look at what your clients value most and modify your products accordingly.


