SaaS Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) Calculator


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    了解SaaS GMV

    SaaS Gross Merchandise Value is calculated by subtracting operational expenses from total revenue generated from products or subscriptions.

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    Impact of Expenses

    Expenses impacting SaaS GMV include cloud computing costs, software licenses, and maintenance fees.

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    Importance of GMV

    Analyzing SaaS GMV is essential for budgeting, setting achievable goals, and ensuring sustainable profitability.

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SaaS Gross Merchandise Value (GMV)

交易次数 0
平均交易价值 $0.00
GMV (Gross Merchandise Value) represents the total value of all transactions processed through your SaaS platform. It's calculated by multiplying the number of transactions by the average transaction value.


要确定您的SaaS GMV率,请按照以下步骤操作:

  1. 收集您的SaaS应用程序进行的交易数量。 This refers to the total sales transactions within a specific time frame, such as monthly or quarterly. For instance, a small SaaS business might have 200 transactions, whereas a larger one may have around 5,000. You can locate this information in your sales or transaction reports.
  2. 计算平均交易价值这是通过将同一时期产生的总收入除以交易次数来完成的。例如,如果一家较小的公司通过200笔交易产生10,000美元的收入,则平均交易价值为50美元。同样,一家较大的公司通过5,000笔交易产生500,000美元的收入,其平均价值为100美元。
  3. 将交易次数乘以平均交易价值即可得出GMV。 使用数据:小型公司:200笔交易 x 50美元 = 10,000美元。大型公司:5,000笔交易 x 100美元 = 500,000美元。此计算得出该期间的SaaS GMV。

GMV = Number of Transactions Processed * Average Value of Transactions

Understanding SaaS Gross Merchandise Value (GMV)

Ioana Grigorescu

1 月 14, 2025

What is Gross Merchandise Value (GMV)?

Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) is the total value of transactions that users have completed on a SaaS platform.

It includes every sale performed on the platform, showing the total volume of transactions as well as the company’s revenue. This number is essential since it clarifies the volume and liveliness of platform engagement.

  • Shows the size of your SaaS company by quantifying the total volume of transactions.


  • 指导关于产品开发、价格和市场扩张的战略选择。


  • 通过预测未来收入和增长,帮助进行资源分配和投资。

Practical Examples of SaaS Gross Merchandise Value (GMV)

  • 示例 1:一个在线课程的SaaS平台在一个月内以每个50美元的价格售出500门课程,总交易额(GMV)为25,000美元(500 * 50美元)。这反映了课程销售的总交易价值。
  • Example 2:在一个自由职业服务的SaaS市场中,每周以平均100美元的价格进行1000笔交易,每周的总交易额(GMV)为100,000美元(1000 * 100美元)。这代表了平台上交换的服务的价值。
  • 示例 3: 一个SaaS预订平台在一个季度内以每个25美元的价格处理2000个预订,实现季度总交易额(GMV)为50,000美元(2000 * 25美元)。这个数字表示该平台在该期间的总销售额。
时间段 GMV 变化 % 变化
第1个月 $40,000
第2个月 $46,000 +$6,000 +15%
第3个月 $54,000 +$8,000 +17%

GMV = 1000 * $54 = $54,000

Different Ways to Calculate Gross Merchandise Value (GMV)

  • Total Sales Calculation: Add the entire worth of all sold goods, less any fees that third-party platforms may impose. Etsy and Amazon are two popular markets that use this technique.
  • Inclusive Sales Calculation: When selling on your own website, figure out the total sales value, taking shipping and other fees into account. This method provides a thorough understanding of the money made from direct sales.


  • Use smart cross-selling and upselling: 通过提供折扣和发送定制化的电子邮件营销,吸引客户升级或购买高级产品。
  • 定期审查定价层级: 为了优化收入,与您的营销团队合作,评估并修改针对不同细分市场的定价策略。
  • 投资于改进的入职流程: 为客户提供详尽的背景信息,以便他们能够理解并充分利用您的产品。
  • 关注客户留存和成功: 为您的客户成功团队提供所需的工具,以便他们能够积极与客户互动,确保客户满意度并优化您的产品效益。
  • 持续收集客户反馈: 定期收集和评估消费者反馈,以帮助指导和建议产品改进。


