发布时间: 2024年10月16日
最后更新: 11月 26, 2024
A cloud migration strategy is when a business plans its migration from on-premises servers to a cloud-based server. Businesses will also implement strategies when they transfer from one cloud provider to another. Regardless, the aim is to complete the transition and also identify/address possible roadblocks.
When implementing a cloud migration strategy, companies should look at their digital assets. They don’t need to move all of them, but it does involve migrating at least some. Things like IT resources and applications are often part of a cloud migration strategy.
Businesses must migrate to a cloud system for scalability and modernization, though some have a mix of on-premises and SaaS.
What Is the Most Common Cloud Migration Model?
- 目标: 问问自己为什么要迁移到 云端服务器 首先要考虑清楚。同样,您还应该问问自己为什么要从一个提供商迁移到另一个提供商。迁移需要与您更广泛的业务目标保持一致。
- 应用程序组合: 您需要考虑所有应用程序及其复杂性,以及云架构需要多少调整。这将构成您时间规划的一部分。
- 预算: 您必须明确您愿意在云迁移上投入多少资金,并且还需要考虑投资回报率(ROI)。
- Timeline: Think about how fast you need to complete the migration, but take your time. Set clear timeframes; a rule of thumb is to double how long you think you need.
These are the primary cloud migration planning phases:
- 规划: The preliminary process involves looking at your goals and your current infrastructure before setting timescales and looking for service providers.
- Migration: This involves going transferring your assets to the cloud.
- Optimization: After migrating, you need to optimize your applications and infrastructures for the cloud.
What Are Some Common Challenges and Risks in Cloud Migration, and How Can They Be Mitigated?
迁移时需要考虑的事项是与以下相关的风险 数据和安全,以及成本和专业知识;幸运的是,您可以通过提前考虑这些问题来减轻这些风险。以下是一些需要实施的事项:
- 数据备份和恢复
- 停机时间规划和应急计划
- 加密、访问控制和其他安全措施
- 预算和费用跟踪
- 确定之前执行过您类型迁移的云顾问