
What are Cloud-Native Principles?

发布时间: 2024年11月4日

最后更新: 11月 26, 2024


What are the cloud-native principles?

Cloud-native principles are a set of cloud-specific guidelines around app creation. They aim to guide app development/design and utilize cloud computing environments. 


  • 微服务架构:将应用程序划分为更小且松散耦合的服务。开发、部署和扩展都应该是独立的。 
  • Containerization: Package apps/dependencies into portable containers. You should do this if you wish to consistently deploy apps across varying environments.
  • Orchestration: Automate containerized apps’ scaling, deployment, and management for resource utilization.  
  • DevOps Culture: Your DevOps team should be collaborative across security, operations, and development. 
  • Continuous Delivery: Focus on facilitating frequent/automated new feature/improvement releases for user experience.


Some of the agility and scalability aspects associated with cloud-native principles are: 

  • Microservices Architecture: Independent deployment/development for more frequent release updates and concurrent working. 
  • Containerization and Orchestration: Containers are used for consistency/portability; orchestration tools automate app deployment/scaling for adaptation to changing demands. 
  • DevOps 和持续交付:协作的 DevOps 文化应简化软件开发生命周期,持续交付也应如此。 

DevOps 和持续交付在云原生开发中扮演什么角色?

DevOps’ role in a cloud-native environment is: 

  • 协作:DevOps 必须打破开发、运营和安全团队之间的壁垒。共同承担责任和协作文化至关重要。
  • 自动化:持续交付使用自动化进行构建、测试和部署;主要目的是避免人工错误并加快发布周期。  
  • 反馈循环:持续的反馈和监控至关重要;团队必须快速识别并解决问题,以提高应用程序的质量/可靠性。



  • 分布式架构:应用程序组件分布在微服务和容器化中,使用不同的服务器和可用区。 
  • Health Checks and Self-Healing: Cloud-native apps use self-healing mechanisms to detect/recover from failures, and they should also utilize health checks.
  • 负载均衡: Distribute traffic across multiple app instances; this is imperative for high availability/performance during peak loads.


Businesses need to address with each of the following when implementing a cloud-native approach:

  • Cultural Shift: A DevOps-focused cultural shift to one where continuous improvement, 自动化, and collaboration are emphasized is a necessity.
  • Complexity: You need the right skills and expertise to manage cloud-native architectures.  
  • 成本管理: Due to the cost of cloud resources, it’s wise to plan and manage budgets and expectations in advance. 
  • 安全:您需要在云原生应用中采取强有力的安全措施,以保护敏感数据并阻止未经授权的访问。




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