

发布时间: 2024年10月16日

最后更新: 11月 26, 2024


What Is Right-Sizing Resources?

When right-sizing resources, you tweak your cloud infrastructure based on what your actual workload is like. The point is to spend exactly how much you should while also only using the resources that you require. 

You should use right-sizing for cost efficiency; without it, you could accidentally overspend. It’s also a good idea to use right-sizing so that performance and capacity are matched.


Here are two reasons you need to use right-sizing:

  • Overprovisioning: Make sure you only pay for the capacity that you use. 
  • Underprivisoning: You also need to ensure that you don’t have too little capacity as to not impact your performance and customer experience. 


You’ll need to focus on four aspects. These are: 

  1. Continuous Monitoring: Assess your resource utilization and increase/decrease as required. 
  2. Dynamic Adjustment: Monitor demand changes and scale your resources based on these. 
  3. 对于具有可预测模式的工作负载,请考虑利用提供预留实例或节省计划的提供商。 
  4. 自动化扩展:根据您预先定义的阈值触发扩展。



  • Monitoring/Analytics: Look at insights within your dashboards and reports to determine what you need to do as next steps. 
  • 自动扩缩:设置预定义的条件来调整服务器上的资源。 
  • 成本管理:查看可以跟踪支出的工具,并确定是否存在不必要的成本。 
  • 推荐引擎:识别使用模式并考虑是否需要向上或向下扩展。

How Often Should Resources be Right-Sized?




Cloud cost optimization requires right-sizing resources, and the extent to which you should check your platforms will depend on your workload and usage. Regardless of what you do, you need to strike the right balance. 

If necessary, hire someone to monitor your cloud resources. You should also look at your cloud service provider’s tools to see if you have features that may help you make an easier decision.


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