发布时间: 2024年10月23日
最后更新: 11月 26, 2024
In cloud performance monitoring, you look at data from multiple sources. After doing that, you should look for solutions to problems that may affect security, performance, and availability/uptime.
What are the key differences between cloud performance monitoring and cloud security monitoring?
- Cloud performance monitoring prioritizes detecting and mitigating security risks (e.g. unauthorized access and data breaches).
- Cloud performance monitoring looks at resource utilization and finding bottlenecks, while also measuring responsiveness.
- You must customize cloud monitoring tools to optimize data better.
Cloud security monitoring, meanwhile, has these characteristics:
- You can generate several alerts with cloud security monitoring, but you need to prioritize and analyze carefully – otherwise, you risk alert fatigue.
- Performance monitoring needs extra tools to address security concerns directly.
- Security monitoring 很重要,但不是为了用户体验和应用程序功能性能的洞察。
你需要对齐 云性能监控 与您的业务目标保持一致,如果希望您的策略有效。确定主要的 关键绩效指标 (KPI) 在实施云性能监控之前,要考虑可靠性、安全性和效率。
How does cloud performance monitoring work and what are its key benefits?
- 云性能优化
- Outage prevention
- Online experiences
- Bottleneck identification and diagnosis
- Performance optimization
- Optimizing UX and operations
Start by regularly monitoring resource usage through third-party monitoring tools, cloud provider dashboards, or both. You should then change cloud figurations with cost reduction and performance optimization in mind; be sure not to disrupt how everything runs, though.
You need to monitor cloud usage regularly thereafter, reviewing configurations further when necessary. Doing this may help you get more out of your resources; for example, you should down your virtual machines in off-peak hours if they’re idle for most of the day.
- Cost: What’s your budget; can you use a free/open source version, or do you need a subscription?
- 可扩展性:该工具能否满足不断扩展的基础设施日益增长的需求?
- Ease of Use: What’s the learning curve, and what is its interface like?
- 集成:选择一个可以与 AWS、Azure 或您使用的任何云软件集成的工具。
- Metrics: Does the tool have the performance data that you need to track?
- Amazon CloudWatch:如果您需要监控 AWS 上的资源,请使用此工具。
- Site24x7:如果您需要在 AWS、GCP 和 Azure 上进行监控,请使用此工具。
- Zabbix:开源工具,可能需要更多的技术专业知识,但如果您具备这些技能,则非常有用。
研究不同的选项并考虑使用 免费试用 to test these tools out.
You need to use cloud monitoring to identify issues before they become serious and resolve them. It’s also necessary for cost and performance optimization, though you still have to do some manual work to get the best out of them. Pick a tool based on your needs and set clear KPIs, while regularly monitoring and adjusting over time. This is crucial if you want to save money and avoid outages.