

发布时间: 2024年10月30日

最后更新: 11月 26, 2024

Learn how cold starts impact serverless application performance. Understand when they occur, the problems they cause, and effective techniques to reduce cold start times in Lambda.

What is a cold start in serverless computing?

在无服务器计算的背景下,“冷启动”指的是首次延迟,或者是在函数长时间未被调用后开始处理所需的时间。 举例来说,当计算机在关机后开机时,可能需要一些时间才能达到其全部性能。


When does cold start to happen?


  • 首次调用: 它有两种情况;第一种是在应用程序部署后或代码更新后首次调用函数时。
  • 扩展 从零开始: 当一个函数从没有被调用过,经过一段时间的非运行后开始接收调用时。
  • 资源重新分配: 当云服务提供商 reallocates resources or the function’s base changes to other hosts, it may lead to cold function instances.
  • Timeout or Expiration: If a function instance is at max execution time or has exceeded its idle time, it can be terminated, meaning that if it is invoked again, it will start fresh.

What is the problem with cold start in serverless?


  • 响应延迟: 虽然您的应用程序通常会提供快速响应,但用户偶尔可能会遇到延迟,这可能会影响他们的体验。
  • 吞吐量降低: 冷启动可能需要逐步提高您的应用程序处理并发请求的能力,尤其是在高使用率期间。
  • Performance Variances: The degree to which cold start durations change over time may influence application effectiveness, posing possibilities for both streamlining response times and solidifying constancy.

How long does Lambda cold start take?

The duration of a Lambda cold start can vary depending on different factors, such as:

  • Function Size and Dependencies: The larger the function is, the more dependencies are involved and the longer the typical cold start takes.
  • Runtime Environment: 选择的初始运行时环境(例如,Node.js、Python、Java等)必然会决定冷启动时间等因素,因为初始化和加载过程存在差异。
  • 云服务提供商优化: 随着时间的推移,云服务提供商不断提供优化措施,以尽可能缩短冷启动时间;然而,这并不是固定的或可预测的。


How do I reduce the cold start time in Lambda?

以下是一些可以减少或至少处理 Lambda 冷启动的方法:

  • 函数优化:
    • 删除未使用的代码和依赖项以减小函数大小。
    • 应使用 Tree-shaking 或代码分割方法来减少初始化期间加载的代码量。
    • 改进包分发和包依赖项解析工作流程。

  • 预配置并发:

Configure provisioned concurrency to maintain the specific number of function instances active so that the incoming requests do not cause a cold start for those instances.

  • Warm-up Requests:

Sometimes, you need to send some dummy requests to your functions so that they are warmed up when the real user requests arrive.

  • Asynchronous Processing:

For non-critical operations, it may be better to refactor user requests from functions by introducing other asynchronous patterns so that cold starts have minimal effect.

  • 缓存:

Introduce appropriate caching mechanisms that store frequently accessed data or pre-computed results to reduce the number of function invocations and thus decrease the occurrences of cold starts.


Cold starts in serverless architectures can be considered an inherent disadvantage of the model, but it is still possible to assess their overview, effects, and ways to minimize them in detail for your program and user-perceived quality. There are several important points one has to recall: proactive optimization, permanent monitoring, and necessary changes according to the particular needs of applications.


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