
What is Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery?

发布时间: 2024年10月23日

最后更新: 11月 26, 2024

Speed up your software development lifecycle with CI/CD. Learn how continuous integration and continuous delivery work together to streamline the process.

What is CI/CD (Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery)?

CI/CD is a software development practice that combines both continuous integration and continuous delivery to smooth the development process. CI/CD makes the process effective by automating the build, test, and deployment of code adjustments.

CI/CD practice manages software applications by identifying and fixing bugs early in the development process.  CI/CD is not easy to integrate, as it involves changes in the infrastructure, as well as culture and mentality.

CI 和 CD 之间有什么区别,它们是如何协同工作的?

持续集成 (CI) 和持续交付 (CD) 是两个与软件开发相关的概念,但它们并不相同。CI 主要处理代码中更改的构建、测试、编译和集成,而 CD 则处理将这些更改部署到生产环境。

CI 和 CD 需要保持软件质量并缩短发布时间,以提高开发人员的生产力。但是,需要注意的是,即使 CD 自动化了应用程序的交付管道,也并不意味着生成的每个构建都会自动部署到生产环境。这需要人工干预或后续的手动批准。

What is the main purpose of a CI/CD pipeline?

The main goal of a CI/CD pipeline is the automation of the delivery process of the software from the stage of the code commit up to the deployment stage. This automation impacts the speed, efficiency or quality of software releases.

For instance, CI/CD pipeline enables one to build, test and release a new version of a software application as soon as a developer uploads code updates to a repository.

A CI/CD pipeline reduces manual work in the software delivery process and impacts the consistency or reliability of software releases.

What are the key benefits and importance of CI/CD in modern software development?


  • 更快的发布速度: CI/CD is the integration and deployment component of the software that enables the software’s release to happen more frequently and at shorter intervals.
  • 提升软件可靠性: 为了提高软件可靠性,请经常集成代码并进行测试,以便发现并纠正错误。
  • 加强协作: CI/CD collaborates in various sections between development, operating and testing systems with the aim of promoting the efficiency of development.
  • 快速反馈与迭代: CI/CD lets developers get feedback on their code changes and adjusting based on user input.

However, CI/CD practices have a notable impact on software quality, security, and stability.

  • 快速迭代 & 早期错误检测: CI/CD is a continuous code integration and testing cycle where bugs and vulnerabilities are detected and fixed.
  • 自动测试: 频繁进行自动化测试,以便在部署前识别系统问题。
  • 精简的发布流程: 通过最大限度地减少人为错误或不一致的可能性,自动化发布流程变得更加高效或富有成效。

What are the main challenges of implementing CI/CD, and how can they be overcome?

Applying CI/CD can be difficult, particularly when working on larger projects or coordinating with other systems.

主要问题包括需要专业人员、完全自动化流程所需的时间和资源,以及 安全和合规性 方面的担忧。

New organisations deploying CI/CD will likely find it more challenging, because implementing and maintaining the pipeline requires specialized knowledge and skills. 

在开发过程中,自动化处理手动任务非常耗时。 安全 is still an integral part of most CI/CD implementations, and it is important to enforce security policies to the organization’s code and systems.


CI/CD is a software development practice that combines continuous integration and continuous delivery to streamline the process and handle large volumes of work. CI/CD should be implemented in organizations to release the software development life cycles.


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