
什么是基础设施即服务 (IaaS)?

发布时间: 2024年10月11日

Learn how IaaS gives you control, flexibility, and scalability for your IT infrastructure. Understand the differences between IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS, and see how businesses use it effectively.


IaaS stands for Infrastructure as a Service. Think of it as renting the basics of a computer system – servers, storage, and networking – from a cloud provider rather than buying and maintaining your own hardware. 

Think of it as renting an equipped kitchen rather than building one.

Examples of IaaS providers: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).


Pro Tip: Consider PaaS (Platform as a Service) or SaaS (Software as a Service), which offer pre-built solutions and require less technical management.

什么是 IaaS、PaaS 和 SaaS?


  • IaaS(基础设施即服务): 您租用基础资源(虚拟服务器、存储、网络),然后在这些资源之上构建您的应用程序和系统。
  • PaaS(平台即服务): 一个完整的平台,提供用于开发、部署和管理应用程序的工具和服务。
  • SaaS (Software as a Service): 通过互联网使用的软件应用程序,无需自行安装或维护。


IaaS 和 SaaS 之间的区别在于您拥有的控制权和责任的大小。使用 IaaS,您拥有更多的控制权和责任,而使用 SaaS,您拥有的则较少。

IaaS 就像租一块土地并建造房屋。PaaS 就像租一套公寓。SaaS 就像租一套带家具的公寓。

我们为什么使用 IaaS?

IaaS 提供以下服务:

  • 成本: 无需进行硬件投资,并且维护成本降低。 任何硬件投资都变得不必要,并且持续的维护成本降低;因此,总体而言,它具有预算友好性。
  • Flexibility: Choose your OS, software, and configurations.
  • 可用性: Access to redundant infrastructure assures your data and applications are available.
  • Scalability: Scale resources up or down to meet changing demands.

This makes IaaS a way for companies to access computing resources without managing their own infrastructure.

IaaS 适用于: 工作负载波动较大的企业、初创公司以及需要部署应用程序或测试环境的组织。

谁使用 IaaS 以及如何使用?

IaaS 被企业和个人用于:

  • 初创公司: 在无需投资基础设施的情况下启动和扩展
  • Enterprises: modernize their IT infrastructure and cut costs.
  • Developers: set up development and testing environments
  • Anyone: who needs access to computing resources.

Is IaaS a Managed Service, and Why Not Use It?





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