SaaS 指标和 KPI
什么是潜在客户增速 (LVR)?
发布时间: 2024年11月8日
最后更新: 11月 26, 2024
什么是潜在客户增速 (LVR)?
潜在客户增长率 (LVR) 是一种销售 SaaS 指标,用于计算每月获得的合格销售机会数量的百分比增长。
How can you calculate Lead Velocity Rate (LVR)?
- This month’s qualified leads: 100
- Last month’s eligible leads: 80
LVR calculation:
- Take the qualified leads from this month and subtract last month’s: 100 minus 80 equals 20.
- Divide the outcome by the qualified leads from the previous month: 20 / 80 = 0.25
- 要表示为百分比,乘以 100:0.25 * 100 = 25%
因此,在这种情况下,LVR 为 25%。
What are the most effective ways to make use of LVR?
合格潜在客户的月度增长由潜在客户增速 (LVR) 监控。以下是如何利用它的方法:
- 预估收入:当LVR(生命周期价值)较高时,未来收入通常会更高。
- 确立目标: 尝试通过提高LVR增长率来超越您的销售目标。
- 协调市场营销和销售:确定销售渠道问题并改进广告。
- 基于数据做出决策:为了获得更深入的见解,请细分并定期跟踪LVR。
- 采取主动: 根据季节性变化和LVR趋势调整策略。
此外,为了更全面地了解您的销售情况,请将 LVR 与以下指标联系起来: conversion rates and financial sales statistics. This provides quality measurements on the health of your entire sales pipeline and assists you in 潜在客户开发 and sales optimization efforts based on analytics.
It is vital that the lead qualification and lead scoring criteria be revisited after some time to maintain relevance to the ever-changing nature of the business environment and business strategies.
LVR 如何帮助确定销售指标的参数?
Using LVR, future sales volume can be estimated by determining the relationship between the amount of investment capital and sales that result.
More so, LVR extends to marketing, where it enables organizations to determine the amount of revenue earned from the dollars spent on promoting the business.
LVR 是否可以通过使用其他指标来改进?
- 优化目标定位以吸引更多 合格的潜在客户 并加强潜在客户资格认定流程,以确保您专注于最有希望的潜在客户。
- Be more proactive in areas like sales and marketing to perfect your strategy. For instance, analyze a database of all existing customers and establish common features that define the best ones to create marketing strategies to attract the same or more such consumers.
- You could also develop a lead scoring system to prioritize your sales efforts on the most qualified leads.
With the use of these strategies, you can capture more qualified leads quicker and more effectively, increasing your LVR and attaining your business objectives.
借助潜在客户增速 (LVR),企业可以预测未来收入、设定销售目标并改进营销策略。LVR 是一种强大的销售指标,具有多项优势。