

发布时间: 2024年10月11日

通过私有云保持对云环境的控制。了解其类型、优点、缺点,以及它与用于 SaaS 部署的公有云的比较。


A private cloud is a cloud computing model that serves exclusively a single organization. This means that all the company’s resources, like servers, storage, and networks, are not shared with any other users.

A private cloud gives companies control over their resources and customization for businesses handling sensitive data or needing to meet strict regulatory compliance compared to public cloud options, where resources are shared among multiple users.


Choose a private cloud if security, compliance, and customization are your top priorities. Make sure you have the budget and IT skills to manage it, or be ready to pay for a managed service.


The key difference is in how the available resources are distributed. A public cloud is actually multitenant where many users make use of resources simultaneously, while a private cloud is single-tenant, meaning all resources are exclusively used by an organization. This difference makes private clouds have even better security, flexibility, and control but with additional and possibly higher costs.


The main types of cloud computing are:

  1. On-Premise Private Cloud: 基础设施在组织的数据中心现场搭建。这种设置使组织拥有完全的控制权,但也需要高水平的IT专业知识。
  2. 托管私有云: 第三方公司在办公室外管理设备和系统,以减少内部IT团队的工作量。
  3. 管理型私有云: 与托管云类似,提供商还提供维护、安全和更新,因此,这种方法完全外包给服务提供商。


Yes, you can use 软件即服务 在私有云上的(SaaS)应用程序。这主要适用于那些希望更好地控制他们使用的软件,或者希望将SaaS应用程序与本地软件集成的人。


私有云的主要缺点是成本。虽然与其他云相比,它相当昂贵,但私有云提供了出色的输出。 由于需要专用资源和基础设施,以及可能的管理和维护成本,它通常比公共云选项更贵。此外,它可能需要更多的内部IT专业知识才能有效地设置和管理。

有关云部署选项的更多信息,请点击以下链接: 公有云 和混合云。


Private cloud is a cloud computing dedicated to organizations that prioritize security, customization, and control over their data and applications.

Although it may not be the most cost-effective option, the added security and flexibility it provides can be crucial for some businesses. If you manage sensitive information or require a customized cloud setup, a private cloud is the solution.


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