SaaS 指标和 KPI

What is SaaS Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)?

发布时间: 10 月 3, 2024

通过转化率优化 (CRO) 提升您的 SaaS 转化率。了解如何分析用户行为、识别流失点,并进行有效的测试,以优化您的网站并增加期望的操作。

What is SaaS CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization)?

转化率优化 (CRO) 是指提高网站上采取期望操作的访问者数量的过程。通过收集有关用户如何浏览您网站的数据,您可以利用这些见解来个性化他们的体验,并可能激励他们采取期望的操作,例如完成购买、注册新闻通讯或获取电子书。


Why is conversion rate optimization (CRO) important for businesses?

转化率优化对于 SaaS 企业来说是一个相关的指标,因为它有助于他们分析和理解其网站流量模式,这可以为优化用户体验和潜在提高转化率的策略提供信息。提高转化率可能会导致每次获取成本 (CPA) 降低,尽管具体影响可能因企业而异。

There is a correlation between optimizing the user experience on websites and an increase in desired actions, such as purchases or newsletter signups, which may contribute to increased revenue for the business, but other factors can also influence these outcomes.

It is crucial to remember that CRO is an ongoing process that requires continuous testing and optimization to maintain effectiveness and ensure ongoing improvement in conversion rates.

What events can cause a drop-off in user engagement?

User drop-off is often defined as the moment users disengage with a product or feature somewhere in their active session. This also indicates a difference between user anticipation and product value delivery.

Understanding drop-off reasons allows one to understand why users leave.

这可能是因为您的 定价策略,例如。 





Additionally, embedding different psychological ideas in the design of the website itself, making use of valuable, informative content that appeals to users, different 定价技巧 like discount campaigns or LTOs, and presenting value propositions are all elements that trigger user actions. 


CRO is one of the processes that is greatly influenced by user behavior.

  • 企业需要收集和分析用户洞察,以找出主要的转化机会并实施有效的措施。
  • 用户洞察可能有助于了解用户如何互动,从而改进导致转化的网站问题。
  • 解决用户的痛点并利用行为属性改善他们的体验,将提高用户满意度。
  • 优化转化率(CRO)需要持续的衡量和对用户不断变化的行为模式的灵活性。
  • 要理解不同类型的数据,需要特定的工具和知识,这需要关注和分析。


CRO testing involves changing variations of the content of your website or app with the goal of figuring out which improves conversions. CRO testing has various forms, and most importantly, each form has its advantages and disadvantages. 


  • The A/B Testing is the most employed form of all CRO testing methods. Examine one particular alteration made to the design of the website/application or even its content. Use simple steps to arrive at statistically valid information within a reasonable timeframe.
  • A/A testing is a useful way of verifying hypotheses and the accuracy of the test designs. Such a test can be employed to monitor biases in the data that may exist.
  • 与之前的测试相比,多变量测试属于转化率优化测试的更高层级。此过程允许您同时评估多个变量,从而使您能够揭示不同更改对客户行为的影响。
  • 只要您知道要测试多少更改,使用顺序测试调整优先级就很容易。顺序测试使您可以在一个项目中逐个进行多项更改。此分析的潜在结果可以为您的网站或应用程序的调整或修改提供依据。

转化率优化 (CRO) 的最佳实践是什么?

Start with understanding your audience and their needs. This includes user research to understand users’ problems, goals, and actions. Make sure that a clear CRO map has been put in place. In this case, it is crucial to define the most problematic aspects that need adjustments and set quantifiable targets for every optimization activity.

A/B testing ought to be employed to test these assumptions and analyze the results of the introduced innovations. It is possible to apply heat maps, for instance, to determine where people browse on a website and which pages are causing problems.

This will allow you to make rational choices about what changes should be made to such interactions as the user experience. Once again, do not forget CRO is a continuing cycle. You will be able to collect data over time and identify if any changes must be made to the design.


CRO (conversion rate optimization) is important since it is an ever-occurring process aimed at enhancing the performance of websites or applications over time. By defining user behavior, executing optimal testing, and making data-backed changes, companies are able to improve retention, drive a desired action, and finally reach the intended objectives of marketing and sales.


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