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What is SaaS Lead Generation?

发布时间: 9月27, 2024

最后更新: 11月 26, 2024


What is SaaS lead generation, and why is it crucial for SaaS growth?

SaaS lead generation is finding buyers who are a good fit for your software and are looking to buy what you are selling. This is part of the process that keeps your pipeline filled with leads. Without this stream of potential customers, the goals of your business will not be met.


You should choose a lead gen channel for your business based on your needs. Take into consideration your budget, target audience, and specific goals.

Below are some of the most well-known channels: 

  • 内容营销: Use webinars, videos, blogs, and ebooks with your prospects.
  • 搜索引擎优化(SEO): For organic traffic, be sure to optimize your website through different SEO tactics.
  • 社交媒体营销: Social platforms influence engagement and brand awareness.
  • 电子邮件营销: Send your leads targeted email campaigns to move them through the funnel.
  • 付费广告: The PPC(pay per click) method is used to generate leads.

根据您的目标、预算和目标受众,研究各种渠道的组合 different audiences 以获得您期望的结果。


利用您的目标受众来开发内容,并通过您的网站和使用评分对潜在客户进行分类来专注于提高您的转化率,从而增加您的 转化率.


为了展示您的产品和服务的投资回报率,请制作 免费试用 并提供演示。


The following KPIs (key performance indicators) should be measured:

  • Leads generated: 获取的新潜在客户总数。
  • 转化率: 转化为付费客户的潜在客户百分比。
  • 单次潜在客户成本 (CPL): 获取新潜在客户的平均成本。

Pinpoint the strategies and channels by studying your SaaS metrics and KPIs and then leveraging your efforts to obtain the maximum ROI. Additionally, to test different approaches and adjust the various approaches, consider using A/B testing.


A few errors typically made by SaaS businesses with lead generation are: not defining their target audience, developing subpar content, and not tracking results.

一些 SaaS领域的趋势 潜在客户开发包括:

  • 客户定向营销 (ABM) – 一种侧重于从特定客户开发潜在客户的定向方法
  • 个性化 – 根据每个潜在客户的需求定制营销信息
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) – Used to automate lead gen tasks such as scoring and email marketing.


SaaS lead generation is a process that requires SaaS businesses to monitor and optimize continuously.

By doing the following 3 things:

  • understand the fundamentals
  • explore the channels
  • implement tips

You can generate leads, drive growth, and achieve success.


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