

发布时间: 9 月 18, 2024

最后更新: 11月 26, 2024


什么是 SaaS 市场定价分析?

SaaS 中的市场定价分析基于对竞争对手产品价格的分析。根据诸如您的价值主张是否更独特(意味着您可以收取更高的价格)等因素调整您企业的定价。如果您的产品更具利基性,情况也是如此。定价分析还会考虑您的用户群可能愿意支付的价格。

Pro Tip

Use market analysis tools to collect data and compare results, such as Qualtrics.

How do you perform a price analysis?

Other than using online tools, you can follow this typical process: 

  1. 列出竞争对手公司: 确定您的公司产品的直接和间接竞争对手。 
  2. 获取洞察: 了解其他企业如何为其产品定价,包括附加组件、升级、折扣和 pricing tiers
  3. 查看差异和相似之处: 将您的定价决策与竞争对手的定价决策进行比较,并考虑您自身的价值主张如何证明您的价格是合理的,例如独特的特性。 
  4. 发现模式: 关注趋势,这些趋势将告诉您可能影响您未来的模式 SaaS定价策略
Pro Tip


What is a competitive pricing analysis?

竞争性定价 分析会更深入地比较您的竞争对手产品的定价与您自己的定价。您需要确定自己独特的卖点,并利用它来指导您的定价策略,从而创造价值。

Pro Tip

Take into consideration your unique selling points. These are the features or advantages that only your product can offer.

How do you use market analysis to make pricing decisions?

Combine market pricing analysis with other factors when determining the final pricing structure for your SaaS product: 

  • What your business can offer: if customers can derive more product value then you can raise your prices above the market. 
  • Specific customer details: 您潜在客户的预算和定价预期会影响您的整体定价结构和 商业模式.
  • 公司目标: 诸如提高利润率或加快市场渗透等商业考量应影响您的定价决策。
Pro Tip

定价层级迎合不同的 customer segments。提供更多功能或使用容量以收取更高的费用。

What are the 5 steps in the pricing process?

To actually price your SaaS product for the market, go through this process: 

  1. Choose a price benchmark: decide what you want to achieve with your pricing, such as appeal to new sign-ups.
  2. Work out a budget: 计算贵公司构建、支持、运营和维护 SaaS 产品的成本。 
  3. 分析市场: 按照前面概述的步骤分析市场。 
  4. 选择定价策略: 最终确定您的软件定价结构,该结构兼顾企业和客户的优势。
  5. Refine your pricing strategy: continually review the market and analyze your own results to determine whether your price needs to change. Consider A/B testing your pricing page


Take into account competitor products when you set the prices for your own SaaS offering. Market trends, your unique value proposition, fluctuating overall cost, and long-term business goals all influence how you set your prices. Developing a strategy and being aware of the market helps with pricing analysis.


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