发布时间: 2024年8月5日
最后更新: 2024年12月6日
为确保您的 SaaS 平台符合《通用数据保护条例》(GDPR) 并降低巨额罚款的风险,请遵循以下指南。遵守 GDPR 对于保护用户隐私和维护客户信任至关重要。
This guide provides an overview of essential steps, including understanding key GDPR concepts and implementing data protection measures, which may contribute to building a privacy-conscious SaaS platform.
To help you maintain focus, we’re providing a checklist below for your convenience.
Understand GDPR's Scope and Requirements
Start at the beginning, and dive into the official GDPR text. Yes, it may appear a bit dry, but look at key terms such as “personal data” (information relevant to an identifiable person), “processing” (any action performed on personal data), and “data subject” (the individual the data is about).
The GDPR is built on seven core principles.
- Lawfulness, fairness, and transparency: You must have a legal reason for processing data, be clear with customers about your practices, and avoid anything even slightly deceptive.
- Purpose limitation: Data is to be used and collected for legitimate, specific and explicit reasons and not to be saved for use in the future.
- 数据最小化: 仅收集必要的所需信息。
- 准确性: 保持信息更新——错误的信息可能会造成损害。
- 存储限制: It’s not necessary to keep data so have a clear retention policy in place.
- Integrity and confidentiality (security): Use encryption and always keep data secure from loss, damage and unauthorized access.
- Accountability: Be responsible for compliance, document your processes and meet all GDPR requirements.
Consider speaking with a professional knowledgeable in data protection law, investigate online courses or webinars on the subject, or browse through our SaaS compliance guide.
免费 SaaS GDPR 合规性清单
Simplify your path to GDPR compliance with this actionable checklist.
Data Audit
Consent Mechanisms
and more!
- 我们正在收集哪些个人数据?(姓名、电子邮件地址、电话号码、IP地址等)
- 这些数据是如何收集的?(直接从用户处收集,通过第三方集成等)
- Where is our data stored? (On-premises servers, cloud storage, etc.)
- Who has access to this data? (Employees, contractors, third-party vendors, etc.)
- How is our data used? (Marketing, analytics, personalization, etc.)
- How long are we keeping our data? (Do we have a data retention policy?)
- Do we have a legitimate reason for processing each type of data? (Consent, contract, legitimate interest, etc.)
Data Category | 示例 | Collection Method | Storage Location | Purpose |
保留期限 |
客户数据 | 姓名、电子邮件、电话、公司、职位 | 网页表单、API | 云数据库 | Marketing, sales, support | 7 years after the end of the customer relationship |
Lead Data | Name, email, company | Web forms, lead gen | CRM system | Sales, marketing | 2 years after last contact |
Website Activity | IP address, pages visited, time on site | 追踪 Cookie | 分析平台 | 网站优化 | 1 年 |
免费 SaaS GDPR 合规性清单
Simplify your path to GDPR compliance with this actionable checklist.
Data Audit
Consent Mechanisms
and more!
Implement Privacy by Design and Default (PbD)
Make privacy a priority in your platform. Minimize data collection, use strong security measures and be transparent with users about their data usage.
- Challenge assumptions: Consider everything you collect. Can you get by with less info? Do you really need it?
- Collect in stages: Collect what is needed as you go. For instance, you can require only email address first and then ask for more specifics later if necessary.
- Provide alternatives: Provide options to users that will limit your data collection. As an example, use guest checkout or allow customers to opt out of any data sharing features.
Purpose Limitation:
- Clear purpose statements: 在您的隐私和同意声明中,明确说明您收集数据的目的。不要使用宽泛或模糊的语言,而应专注于使用清晰、简洁且直奔主题的语言。
- 限制内部访问: 访问权限应仅限于那些工作绝对需要的员工。
- 数据删除: Create a protocol for removing any data that is unnecessary to keep after being used for its intended purpose.
- Granular consent: Make it possible for users to opt in or out of certain features, and give them some control over the data they share.
- Plain language privacy notice: Keep your privacy policy friendly and easy to understand, using everyday language instead of legal jargon.
- Layered notices: Be concise in your summaries of all notices to users on key info, and provide links to further details for those who wish to read deeper explanations.
Pseudonymization/Anonymization: Implement ways to de-identify personal data where possible. For example, Replace identifying information with pseudonyms (e.g., User123) to prevent linking the data to individuals. Consider removing identifiers altogether so data cannot be linked to individuals.
- 访问控制: 严格控制谁有权查看、修改或删除个人数据。
- 数据泄露应对计划: 建立流程以检测、控制并紧急响应数据泄露。
- 定期审计: 主动安排安全审计和评估,以发现并修复任何潜在的安全问题。
- Encryption: 使用强大的算法对静态和传输中的数据进行加密。
免费 SaaS GDPR 合规性清单
Simplify your path to GDPR compliance with this actionable checklist.
Data Audit
Consent Mechanisms
and more!
Obtain Valid Consent
Use simple and clear consent language that indicates how user data will be used. Be transparent that consent is given, informed, specific and taken back at any time.
- Consent requests should be clear and concise so users understand what they are agreeing to.
- Consent has a specific purpose, and is not an overall agreement.
- Consent must be a clear “yes.”
- Consent is an option, and never a coerced requirement.
- Users can easily withdraw consent at any time.
免费 SaaS GDPR 合规性清单
Simplify your path to GDPR compliance with this actionable checklist.
Data Audit
Consent Mechanisms
and more!
Fulfill Data Subject Rights
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) outlines certain rights that data subjects (individuals) have regarding their personal information. Your SaaS business and platform must accommodate these rights.
- The Right of Access: 请知悉,您必须确认用户关于您是否正在处理其数据的请求,并提供一份副本。
- 更正权: 当个人要求更正其个人数据时,您必须采取行动。
- 限制处理权: 在某些情况下,例如当他们对数据的准确性提出异议时,应尊重其限制数据处理的请求
- The Right to Object: Individuals can object to being used for direct marketing, as one example of the type of processing they can request to deny.
- The Right to Erasure (“Right to be Forgotten”): When users request their personal data be deleted, in some situations such when the data is no longer necessary, they have the right to have this granted.
- The Right to Data Portability: Individuals can ask for a copy of their data in a structured, machine-readable format and have the right to transmit that data to another controller.
DSARs (Data Subject Access Requests) require clear, documented procedures including who is responsible, how requests are verified and what info is provided.
Staff should be educated and prepared to handle DSARs in accordance with the GDPR and respond within one month of receipt. For complex cases, up to three months is acceptable. To streamline this, consider using a DSAR management tool.
Complying with data subject rights is also about creating trust with users and showing a commitment to privacy.
免费 SaaS GDPR 合规性清单
Simplify your path to GDPR compliance with this actionable checklist.
Data Audit
Consent Mechanisms
and more!
Appoint a Data Protection Officer (DPO)
如果您的SaaS平台处理大量个人数据或从事被认为高风险的活动,那么值得考虑指定一名数据保护官(DPO)。 尽管不是必须的,但建议设立一名数据保护官。
- 告知公司其数据保护义务。
- 作为监管机构和数据主体的联系人。
- Cooperate with the supervisory authority.
- Be the SME (Subject Matter Expert) on Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs).
- Keep compliant with the GDPR and other data protection laws.
免费 SaaS GDPR 合规性清单
Simplify your path to GDPR compliance with this actionable checklist.
Data Audit
Consent Mechanisms
and more!
Data Breach Notification
A data breach notification plan should be in place. In the case a breach does occur, appropriate authorities must be notified within 72 hours and affected individuals without delay when it is a risk to their rights and freedoms.
- Incident Identification: Create criteria to identify a data breach. Be clear about which incidents will trigger your response plan.
- Containment: Procedures to prevent any further damage and to contain the breach should be in place, such as changing passwords, patching vulnerabilities and isolating systems.
- Assessment: 评估数据泄露的严重程度,并确定哪些数据被泄露。 确定受影响的个人数量,并评估这对其权利构成的任何潜在风险。
- 通知: 如果发生数据泄露,并且可能危及人们的权利,请在72小时内通知有关部门。 如果数据泄露对其权利和自由构成高风险,请通知受影响的个人,并向他们提供关于数据泄露的清晰简洁的信息以及他们可以采取的保护措施。保持安全并让他们知情总是更好的。
- 调查和补救: After thoroughly investigating, understand the root cause and put into place the proper measures to prevent future breaches.
Canva experienced a breach that exposed email, usernames, and passwords of about 139 million of their users, but thankfully, they were able to quickly address the situation and take steps to safeguard their community. They were able to contain the breach and find the extent of the compromise (offered a free credit monitoring program), and notify users and authorities within 72 hours.
GDPR compliance must be considered a continuous work in progress, not a task that is one and done. By following our suggested steps, staying current with regulations and prioritizing data protection you can build trust and mitigate legal and financial risks.
The GDPR is a comprehensive data protection regulation in the European Union. If you collect or process personal data from people in EU, its necessary for you to be in compliance, no matter where your SaaS business is located. GDPR compliance protects your business from financial penalties and reputational damage.
The GDPR is based on seven core principles: lawfulness, fairness, and transparency; purpose limitation; data minimization; accuracy; storage limitation; integrity and confidentiality (security); and accountability.
Though its not mandatory to have a DPO, it is recommended, particularly if you process high risk categories or large amounts of personal data. A DPO ensures your organization’s data protection strategy aligns with GDPR requirements.
Should a data breach occur, you must notify affected individuals asap and any relevant authorities within 72 hours. Having a detailed breach response plan in place will help minimize the consequences of these incidents.
Non-compliance with the GDPR can cause penalties, including fines of up to €20 million or 4% of your company’s annual global turnover (whichever is greater). It can also lead to reputational damage and loss of customers and their trust – it’s always better to be prepared!
提供清晰的隐私通知,说明您如何收集、使用和保护用户数据。实施机制,让用户可以行使其数据主体权利,例如访问、更正和删除。始终如一地传达您对数据保护和 GDPR 合规性的承诺。
是的,有!与同时充当记录商户 (MoR) 的第三方支付处理商(例如 PayPro Global)合作,可以简化您的合规工作。像 PayPro Global 这样的 MoR 管理着广泛的合规责任,包括与购物者的账单和支付数据相关的 GDPR 条款,因此您可以安心地专注于您的核心业务运营。