SaaS DAU/MAU Ratio Calculator

诸如 SaaS DAU/MAU Ratio (Daily Active Users / Monthly Active Users) is the percentage indicator of monthly active users who use your product every day. A higher DAU/MAU ratio is an indication that customers find value in your software and include it in their daily routine.

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    Engagement Through Usage

    A higher DAU/MAU ratio suggests users find your product valuable and use it often.

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    Monitor Product Health

    Tracking DAU/MAU helps see if your product meets user needs, and a drop can signal issues.

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    Improving DAU/MAU can boost retention, which can lead to growth and positive referrals.

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SaaS DAU/MAU Ratio

The DAU/MAU ratio measures user engagement by comparing daily active users to monthly active users. A higher ratio indicates better daily engagement with your product. The ratio is expressed as a percentage, with 100% meaning all monthly users are also daily users.

How to Calculate SaaS DAU/MAU Ratio

To calculate your SaaS DAU/MAU ratio, follow these guidelines: 

  1. Determine Daily Active Users (DAU). Find out how many unique users interact with your product on a daily basis. This data can typically be found in your analytics dashboard or user tracking tool. For example, a small SaaS might have a DAU of 500, while a larger one may have a DAU of 10,000.
  2. Determine Monthly Active Users (MAU). Similar to DAU, this metric is available in your analytics dashboard. A small SaaS might have 15,000 MAU, while a larger SaaS may have 300,000 MAU.
  3. Calculate the DAU/MAU Ratio. Divide your Daily Active Users (DAU) by your Monthly Active Users (MAU). Using the examples above, for the smaller SaaS this would be 500 / 15,000, and for the larger SaaS, it would be 10,000 / 300,000.
  4. 转换为百分比。 Multiply the result from Step 3 by 100 to express the ratio as a percentage. For the small SaaS, here’s an example: (500 / 15,000) * 100 = 3.33%. For the larger SaaS, here’s an example, (10,000 / 300,000) * 100 = 3.33%. This gives you your DAU/MAU Ratio.

SaaS DAU/MAU Ratio = (Daily Active Users / Monthly Active Users) * 100

Understanding SaaS DAU/MAU Ratio

Ioana Grigorescu


What is the DAU/MAU Ratio?

诸如 DAU/MAU ratio 是一种衡量这些客户在一个月内回访频率的方法。这就像查看有多少月度访客转化为每日访客。

In the world of SaaS, this ratio helps determine whether a product becomes a part of a user’s daily routine or if it’s used more sporadically. A high ratio indicates a product is both useful and integral to users’ daily activities. Conversely, a low ratio could signal that the product is not engaging or essential.

  • Quantify user engagement to measure product stickiness and user loyalty.

  • Guide product development by identifying areas needing improvement based on user behavior.

  • Track trends over time to proactively adjust strategies and maximize customer retention.


  • 示例 1: A social media platform has 500,000 daily active users and 1,000,000 monthly active users, making the DAU/MAU ratio 0.5 (500,000 / 1,000,000). This suggests that half of the monthly users are active daily, indicating strong user engagement.
  • 示例 2: A project management tool, with 10,000 daily active users and 60,000 monthly active users, results in a DAU/MAU ratio of 0.17 (10,000 / 60,000). This low ratio suggests that the tool is used sporadically, indicating less frequent user interaction.
  • 示例 3: An online education platform shows a DAU/MAU ratio of 0.83 (25,000 / 30,000) with 25,000 daily active users and 30,000 monthly active users. This high ratio suggests that most users are active daily, indicating high user engagement and retention.
时间段 DAU(日活跃用户) MAU(月活跃用户) DAU/MAU Ratio 比率变化 % 变化 趋势分析
第1个月 1,500 30,000 5.0% 初始发布期
第2个月 1,800 33,000 5.5% +0.5% +10% 正增长
第3个月 2,200 38,000 5.8% +0.3% +5.45% 持续增长
第4个月 2,500 40,000 6.25% +0.45% +7.76% 比例略有增加

SaaS DAU/MAU Ratio = (2500 / 40000) * 100 = 6.25%

Different Ways to Calculate DAU/MAU Ratio

  • Simple DAU/MAU Ratio: 定义为每日活跃用户与每月活跃用户的比率。有助于了解产品的用户参与度概况。
  • Weighted DAU/MAU Ratio: 根据活跃用户的参与度对其进行加权,使您能够查看不同用户群体的参与度水平。
  • DAU/MAU Ratio by Cohort: Determines the DAU/MAU ratio for specific groups of users, useful in identifying long-term engagement trends.
  • DAU/MAU Ratio by Feature: 通过将使用特定功能的用户数除以用户总数得出,有助于了解哪些功能对用户最感兴趣。

How to Improve Your DAU/MAU Ratio

  • Identify Core Features: 确定您的用户最频繁使用的功能。分析他们的行为,了解是什么吸引他们定期返回,并专注于增强这些功能,为您的产品增加更多价值。
  • 优化用户引导流程: 确保新用户快速理解您产品的价值。简化的用户引导流程可以提升日常互动。引导新用户从一开始就使用核心功能,以产生即时影响。
  • 个性化内容: 提供定制化的内容、提示或功能,以满足用户的个性化需求。利用用户数据提供相关内容,增强他们日常使用和与产品的联系。
  • 增强产品粘性: 创建鼓励每日返回的功能,例如每日挑战、连胜或提醒。引入定期的小型增强功能,使其无缝集成到他们的日常生活中,使您的产品成为他们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。
  • 分析使用模式: 监控用户最活跃的时间和方式,并调整您的产品更新和互动策略,使其与这些见解保持一致,以实现最大效果。
  • 收集用户反馈: 持续征求用户关于他们与您的产品日常互动的反馈,并积极倾听他们的意见。利用这些信息来识别和纠正任何问题,从而提高日常使用率并增强用户满意度。


