SaaS LTV/CAC Ratio Calculator

考虑一下 SaaS LTV/CAC ratio 就像一个天平,收入侧(LTV)和成本侧(CAC)用于获取客户。如果天平平衡,则SaaS公司的增长预计将是稳定的。

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    The LTV/CAC ratio should be considered to improve the balance between customer acquisition and retention.

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    It is crucial to measure and utilize the LTV/CAC ratio to optimize sales and marketing strategies.

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    Using the LTV/CAC ratio can help a business become more sustainable and grow with confidence.

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SaaS LTV/CAC Ratio

The LTV/CAC ratio measures the relationship between the lifetime value of a customer and the cost to acquire them. A higher ratio indicates better unit economics and more efficient customer acquisition spending.

How to Calculate SaaS LTV/CAC Ratio

Follow these steps to calculate your LTV/CAC ratio: 

  1. 计算客户生命周期价值 (LTV)。 LTV 是指客户在与贵公司建立关系期间预计产生的收入。要计算 LTV,您需要每个账户的平均收入和平均客户生命周期。
  2. 计算客户获取成本 (CAC)。 CAC(客户获取成本)是指获取新客户的成本。计算CAC的方法是将您的总销售和营销费用除以该期间获得的新客户数量。
  3. 用 LTV 除以 CAC。 Once you have both LTV and CAC, divide LTV by CAC to get the LTV/CAC ratio. For example, if your LTV is $5000 and CAC is $1000, the LTV/CAC ratio is 5. This indicates that for every dollar spent acquiring a customer, you will generate $5 in value.


— 小型 SaaS 企业: Let’s say a small SaaS business has an LTV of $1,500 and a CAC of $300. The LTV/CAC ratio would be 1500 / 300 = 5. This means for every dollar they spend on customer acquisition, they get $5 in return.

—— 中型SaaS企业: A medium-sized SaaS company might have an LTV of $8,000 and a CAC of $2,000, resulting in an LTV/CAC ratio of 8000 / 2000 = 4. This company sees $4 in value for every $1 spent on customer acquisition.

—— 大型SaaS企业: A large SaaS enterprise could have an LTV of $25,000 and a CAC of $5,000, so their LTV/CAC ratio would be 25000 / 5000 = 5. This company also sees $5 in value for every $1 spent on customer acquisition.

注意: 为了确保结果准确,请确保您的LTV和CAC计算基于相同的时间段(例如,季度或年度)。此外,LTV计算基于估算,可能会波动,因此应定期检查。

SaaS LTV/CAC Ratio = LTV / CAC

Understanding the SaaS LTV/CAC Ratio

Ioana Grigorescu


What is the LTV/CAC Ratio?

您从每位客户身上获得的收益与吸引他们所花费的成本之间的比较被称为 LTV/CAC ratio.

LTV 代表客户生命周期价值,即您预期从单个客户在其购买期间获得的总收入。 CAC 代表客户获取成本,即您为获得每位新客户所花费的总额。较高的 LTV/CAC ratio,例如 3:1,意味着您的收入远高于支出,表明业务状况良好。

  • 通过比较客户生命周期价值与获取成本来评估盈利能力。

  • 确定在客户获取或客户保留方面的战略投资。

  • 通过评估当前获客策略的效率来优化支出。

Practical Examples of SaaS LTV/CAC Ratio

  • 示例 1: A SaaS company has a CAC of $500 and an LTV of $2500, resulting in an LTV/CAC ratio of 5:1. This strong ratio suggests a highly profitable business model.
  • 示例 2: Another company shows a CAC of $1000 and an LTV of $1500, achieving an LTV/CAC ratio of 1.5:1. This lower ratio indicates potential financial stress and may necessitate cost reductions or efforts to enhance customer value.
  • 示例 3: A third SaaS company experiences a CAC of $600 and an LTV of $3000. With an LTV/CAC ratio of 5:1, it reflects a very effective customer acquisition strategy and profitability.
期间 客户生命周期价值 (LTV) 客户获取成本(CAC) LTV/CAC Ratio LTV 变化 CAC Change 比率变化 趋势分析
2023年第一季度 $3,000 $1,000 3.0 初始阶段,中等比率
2023年第二季度 $3,600 $900 4.0 +20% -10% +33% Positive trend, improved efficiency
2023年第三季度 $4,000 $850 4.7 +11% -6% +17% 强劲的积极趋势,最佳表现

LTV / CAC = $4,000 / $850 = 4.7

Different Ways to Calculate SaaS LTV/CAC Ratio

  • Simple LTV/CAC Ratio: 定义为客户生命周期价值除以客户获取成本。这种方法可以快速了解盈利能力。
  • Blended LTV/CAC Ratio: 考虑所有营销渠道和客户类别。它衡量获取活动的有效性。
  • Channel-Specific LTV/CAC Ratio: 使用与特定渠道(如付费广告或内容营销)相关的成本计算比率,从而识别成功的渠道。
  • Cohort-Based LTV/CAC Ratio: 将特定时期注册的客户的客户生命周期价值除以获客成本,有助于发现随时间变化的趋势。
  • Segmented LTV/CAC Ratio: 将来自不同客户群体(如企业和小企业)的客户生命周期价值进行划分,从而找出利润最高的群体。

How to Improve Your SaaS LTV/CAC Ratio

  • 优化入职流程: 通过为试用设定明确的目标并提供必要的支持,节省时间和精力。创建一个直接的入职流程,快速展示您产品的价值,减少早期流失。
  • 提升客户参与度: 提高产品使用率和客户满意度,以降低客户流失率并提升客户生命周期价值(LTV)。实施定期的反馈流程和积极的拓展计划,以建立持久的客户关系。
  • 优化定价策略: 审查并调整您的定价,以提高每用户收入和客户生命周期价值(LTV)。尝试不同的定价模式,以了解它们对每用户平均收入和客户生命周期价值的影响。
  • 优化营销活动: 将精力集中在定位那些能提供更高价值且更有可能转化的客户,从而降低CAC。分析各渠道的损益,并专注于那些以较低的获客成本带来高价值客户的渠道。
  • 提高留存率: 通过延长订阅期限,保持客户的积极参与,以提高LTV。实施客户成功策略,识别并支持有流失风险的客户,从而提高留存率和LTV。


