What is Outbound Marketing for SaaS?

Stratégies de croissance

Générez des prospects et stimulez les ventes grâce au marketing sortant. Ce guide couvre tout, de la définition de votre public cible au choix des bonnes tactiques, en passant par la mesure de l'efficacité de vos campagnes.

Qu'est-ce que le marketing sortant ?

Outbound marketing is a marketing strategy that entails reaching out to potential customers with marketing information without waiting for them to show interest. 

These include cold calling, direct mail, billboards, and advertising on television, radio, and at events. In this marketing strategy, the company seeks to approach potential customers rather than wait for them to try to buy their products or services.

Qui sont les publics cibles du marketing sortant ?

Outbound marketing is aimed at a more general and more comprehensive audience, including current clients and prospective clients.

Outbound marketing is designed to cut across all segments de clientèle and impact individuals who may be potential buyers of the products or services the company is providing. 

However, the importance of determining a target audience lies in the company’s marketing efforts, personalized messaging, and other strategies for communicating with potential leads effectively. 

While information about the audience’s demographics, interests, and pain points can help create campaigns, there is no guarantee of a positive response or conversion.

Quelles sont les tactiques courantes utilisées dans le marketing sortant ?

The most effective outbound marketing tactics include personalized gifting through direct mail, trade shows and events, cold emails, email signature marketing, paid social ads, PR campaigns, and video ads. 

These methods are known to be valuable for grabbing attention and driving customer conversions, but results may vary. In particular, video advertising is noted for its potential to provide all relevant messages briefly, mainly through social networks like Instagram and YouTube.

Quelle est la différence entre le marketing sortant et le marketing entrant ?

While these strategies have the same virtual goal, that of gaining more customers, the differences lie in the approaches used by inbound and outbound marketing. Here are a few designing traits of these strategies that will help you understand what sets them apart. 

Marketing sortant (marketing push) :

  • Interruption : C'est le professionnel du marketing qui établit le contact et "pousse" l'information vers un public plus large, comme les publicités télévisées, les panneaux d'affichage, les appels à froid, les e-mails, etc.
  • Large portée : Il essaie de s'adresser au maximum d'audience avec l'espoir que peu répondront et justifieront leur statut de prospects ou d'acheteurs.
  • Résultats immédiats : C'est une méthode rentable pour générer rapidement des prospects et des ventes. Parfois, lorsque cette technique est utilisée, des coûts d'acquisition plus élevés peuvent apparaître. 
  • Moins ciblé : Cette approche capture également des audiences indésirables, ce qui entraîne des activités inutiles et des taux de conversion réduits.

Marketing entrant (marketing pull) :

  • Valeurs Portée : Se concentre sur la création de contenu pertinent et utile, qui sert à attirer les clients potentiels et à les “tirer” vers la marque.
  • Valeurs Cible : Applique le marketing de contenu, le référencement, les réseaux sociaux et d'autres moyens disponibles à l'audience qui recherche activement toute information liée au produit ou service offert.
  • Valeurs Relation : Souligne la création de confiance et l'établissement de relations à long terme avec la population ciblée.
  • Les valeurs de croissance peuvent impliquer la génération de prospects de haute qualité, l'amélioration de la visibilité sur le marché et potentiellement la promotion d'une plus grande fidélité de la clientèle.

Quel est le coût du marketing sortant ?

Understanding the true costs associated with outbound marketing is difficult, as these can vary tremendously. 

It is essential to look at the various channels used for marketing to determine what the costs would be. 

Allocating resources effectively and strategically targeting campaigns can potentially lead to significant returns and business growth, but the exact results may vary.

Outbound marketing strategies may offer immediate feedback and a quicker return on investment, but long-term results and sustainability should also be considered.

Although outbound marketing can be valuable, an important consideration is the potential for an inaccurate target audience, which could lead to wasted resources.


In today’s SaaS landscape, businesses often make use of both outbound and inbound marketing strategies. Both have pros and cons, but it is very important to decide which approach fits your company best, looking at aspects like customer segments, available resources, and product type.

Outbound marketing is a strong strategy, but in order to be used correctly, correct market targeting should be realized prior to using this approach.


In today’s SaaS landscape, businesses often make use of both outbound and inbound marketing strategies. Both have pros and cons, but it is very important to decide which approach fits your company best, looking at aspects like customer segments, available resources, and product type.

Outbound marketing is a strong strategy, but in order to be used correctly, correct market targeting should be realized prior to using this approach.

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