What is Security Responsibility of SaaS?

Cloud Security




You need both sides for cybersecurity. As a customer, your role is to look for providers that can offer you the required protection while also learning about security threats.

クラウドのセキュリティの責任者は誰ですか? (共有責任モデル)

The shared responsibility model places the emphasis on you and your SaaS provider. You should look after different aspects, and below is a quick rundown of what you need to consider:

  • Provider: The provider should focus on the application security and patching any threats that arise. They are also responsible for looking after the network and operating system, along with the SaaS’s physical infrastructure. 
  • Customer: You need to secure your data by implementing cybersecurity measures and avoiding potential dangers. You should customize user access and other related configurations, and you also need to make sure that your data is safeguarded. 


Additional Value: 

  • Different Models: You should understand the difference between IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS, as they each have their own unique benefits and challenges. 
  • 例: A security guard may control access to an apartment building while you are responsible for looking after your belongings.



Here are the aspects of IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS where you need to pay attention to security:

  • IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service): インフラストラクチャの可視性と API 
  • PaaS (サービスとしてのプラットフォーム): アプリケーションとプラットフォームのセキュリティ
  • SaaS (サービスとしてのソフトウェア): アクセス、サードパーティとの統合、データセキュリティ



  • データセキュリティ: 可用性と整合性を維持することに加えて、データを機密に保つ必要があります。 
  • アクセス管理: 各ユーザーがアプリケーション内で何ができるか、また誰が最初にアクセスできるかを制御する必要があります。 




  • Choose Reputable Providers: Intensively look at each provider before you sign up for one. Look at their security track record and read what their customers have said about them. 
  • Strong Access Controls: Be strict with who can access and use good practices like principle of least privilege and two-factor authentication (2FA). 
  • Regular Backups: Back up your SaaS data to a separate location; ideally, you should set up automatic backups. 
  • 暗号化: Make sure that your data is encrypted at all times. 
  • Data Encryption: Ensure your data is encrypted both in transit and at rest.
  • Security Awareness Training: Make sure that your employees know about different

Look for certifications like ISO 27001 before you choose a provider.


SaaS プロバイダーを選択する際には、セキュリティが最優先事項であることを確認してください。共有責任モデルの実装を強く検討する必要があります。これは、あなたと SaaS プロバイダーの両方が全体的な保護の責任を負うことを意味します。

ユーザー アクセスの制御、データのバックアップ、従業員のトレーニングにおける自分の役割を理解してください。必要なセキュリティ機能を備えたプロバイダーを見つけることも確認してください。

