Product Calculators
Product Calculators | Optimize for Growth | Track product usage, engagement, and other metrics. Optimize your product for growth.
SaaS Session Duration Calculator
Think of SaaS Session Duration as the time during which a customer is browsing through their shopping cart; the longer they stay, the more likely they are to purchase. This metric helps understand if the audience finds the product useful and attractive.
SaaS Product Stickiness Calculator
Think of SaaS product stickiness as the ‘glue’ that keeps customers bound to the product. If the product is very sticky, it is hard for customers to leave it.
SaaS Feature Adoption Rate Calculator
Think of SaaS Feature Adoption Rate as a gauge showing how well your new features are being received. The higher the rate, the more users are finding value in your updates.
SaaS Time to First Value (TTFV) Calculator
Think of Time to First Value (TTTV) as a sprint at the very end of the race for a new user of your SaaS. If they do not like the value of your SaaS quickly, there is a high probability that they will leave and start using your product less and less.
SaaS Product Adoption Rate Calculator
Think of SaaS Product Adoption Rate as the speed at which new users become active users. A higher rate means your product is quickly becoming essential to their workflow.
SaaS Average Time on Page Calculator
The amount of time customers spend exploring the features of your SaaS product is known as Average Time on Page. They are probably more fascinated the longer they stay.
SaaS Activation Rate Calculator
Think of the SaaS Activation Rate as the moment a user truly starts engaging with the software. It represents the proportion of sign-ups that utilize the central feature of the product, indicating the effectiveness of your product in turning trials into committed users.
SaaS Viral Coefficient Calculator
Think of the SaaS Viral Coefficient as a ripple effect in which each new user brings in more new users, growing your SaaS effortlessly.
SaaS DAU/MAU Ratio Calculator
The SaaS DAU/MAU Ratio (Daily Active Users / Monthly Active Users) is the percentage indicator of monthly active users who use your product every day. A higher DAU/MAU ratio is an indication that customers find value in your software and include it in their daily routine.
SaaS Daily Active Users (DAU) Calculator
Think of Daily Active Users (DAU) as the individuals who sign into your SaaS application or visit website on a regular basis. High DAU indicates many people are enjoying the value of the product.
SaaS Valuation Calculator
Think of SaaS Valuation as the estimated worth of your software business. It reflects what investors believe your company is valued at based on its current performance and future potential.