Revenue Growth Calculators
Revenue Growth Calculators | Track & Accelerate | Measure month-over-month and year-over-year revenue growth. Identify trends and opportunities.
SaaS Revenue Churn Calculator
Think of SaaS Revenue Churn as a leaky bucket; it represents the amount of recurring revenue you’re losing from cancellations and downgrades. The bigger the holes, the faster your revenue drains.
SaaS Net Dollar Retention (NDR) Calculator
Think of Net Dollar Retention (NDR) as a leaky bucket; a high NDR means you’re patching the leaks and filling it faster than water can escape.
SaaS Gross Revenue Retention (GRR) Calculator
Think of Gross Revenue Retention (GRR) as the leaky bucket of a SaaS business, the higher the percentage the more revenue the business will lose due to customer churn.
SaaS ARR Multiple Calculator
Think of the SaaS ARR Multiple as the price investors put on each dollar of your Annual Recurring Revenue. It demonstrates how highly they regard your steady stream of income.
SaaS Net MRR Churn Calculator
SaaS Net MRR Churn measures the total change in your recurring income from your customer base over a given time frame. It considers revenue received from expansions and upgrades as well as revenue lost from cancellations and downgrades (churn).
SaaS Net Revenue Retention Rate (NRR) Calculator
Think of Net Revenue Retention (NRR) as a way to measure how well a SaaS business keeps the reveue earned from existing clients; the higher the percentage, the less revenue you’re losing and the better your business is retaining and growing its customer base.
SaaS Growth Rate Calculator
Think of the SaaS Growth Rate as a measure of how fast a company’s revenue revenue is increasing. A high growth rate signifies that the SaaS business is expanding rapidly within its industry, attracting, acquiring and retaining customers.