Your data is safe with us!
Protecting the customers’

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    您向我们提供各种个人详细信息,而我们作为少数持有 PCI DSS 1 级(支付公司最高安全标准)认证的公司之一,确保在加密环境中进行最安全的操作,任何人都无法读取您的付款信息,包括我们的团队。

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    您是 PayPro Global 的直接客户,PayPro Global 是软件、SaaS 和数字商品的授权经销商。PayPro Global 与软件公司合作,在我们的商店和结账页面上转售他们的产品。您向我们提供完成购买所需的各种个人详细信息,我们确保在安全的环境中进行处理。 

Compliance With Data Protection Laws

PayPro Global, as a trusted Merchant of Record, is fully compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and other local data protection laws.


We fully recognize the importance of data security and privacy, respecting the individual’s rights and meeting the requirements of applicable data protection laws in force.


We prioritize the security and privacy of customer data, ensuring that all personal information is handled responsibly and in accordance with the highest international standards. Our commitment to transparency and accountability guarantees that your data remains protected at every step of the process.


Should you have any questions or require further information regarding data protection, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]. Your trust is our top priority.

What data do we collect?

PayPro Global collects personal information from you, the customer and companies, as it is necessary for carrying out our activity. The data collected may come via different sources and those are as follows:

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    The information you willingly provide us with on the checkout page, via correspondence
and other communication and system channels.

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    通过诸如 Cookie 等跟踪技术收集的信息。

Why are we collecting data?

PayPro Global uses your personal information to complete all processing activities. Therefore, all your personal details, depending on their nature will be used to conduct the following activities:

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    To process and fulfill orders

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    To deliver purchased products

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    To assist you in addressing various issues that may occur

With whom are we sharing data?

PayPro Global may share personal information for the reasons already mentioned and in a manner authorized by applicable rules and regulations with the following entities:

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    Developer companies

    PayPro Global will share your contact data with the product developers our company collaborates with in order to fulfill all contractual obligations related to the purchase. These obligations include, but are not limited to, product/service delivery, product updates, ongoing support.

  • 技术驱动


    PayPro Global可能会与第三方共享您的个人信息,以进行相关活动,包括但不限于提供技术通信手段、改进客户服务、欺诈监控、会计和税务报告、增强系统安全性。

  • 商业合作伙伴

    PayPro Global与许多第三方商业合作伙伴合作以提供我们的服务。根据您选择的付款方式,您的付款数据可能会与PayPro Global的付款合作伙伴(如PayPal)或其他相应的付款实体(包括银行)共享,以处理信用卡和借记卡数据。

PayPro Global在保护数据和安全方面采取了哪些措施?

Due to global technological advancement, companies are gaining an increased amount of data about their clients, information that needs to be protected. PayPro Global has made its priority to ensure data security and privacy. Therefore, we have created a set of rules and regulations which both PayPro Global and its partners recognize and respect. By means of these strict regulations, we are firm believers that data privacy is obtained. Also, by means of physical, technical and administrative measures that have been implemented, PayPro Global protects customer data from disclosure, unauthorized access and/or accidental loss. PayPro Global adheres to the highest standards of security and data processing annually re-certified as a PCI DSS compliant provider of services. At the same time, PayPro Global is fully GDPR compliant, meeting all requirements. All customers have particular rights regarding their personal data that ought to be respected. All companies selling their products or providing services need to be aware of these rights and examine them closely.

The most important rights of an individual in terms of data privacy include:

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    The right to access their data

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    The right to rectify their data

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    The right to be informed about how their data is processed

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    The right to data portability

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    The right to request their data to be erased in accordance with applicable regulations and data retention cycles

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    The right to request the restriction of processing

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    The right to object to particular instances of data processing

Any questions?

如果您有任何问题、意见或要求,请使用以下链接联系PayPro Global的专属数据保护官: 

