
What is SaaS Market Analysis?

发布时间: 2024年8月29日

最后更新: 11月 26, 2024

What is SaaS Market Analysis

What is market analysis?

SaaS market analysis represents the process of evaluating the Software as a Service (SaaS) industry to obtain information about specific topics like market size, potential business opportunities, competition, customer requirements and trends.

Gaining these insights is helpful for SaaS businesses of all types and sizes.




Follow these steps to work out your individual SaaS market size within your industry:

  • Describe your ideal customer: research the individual customer who is the ideal buyer of your product. 
  • Calculate the rough size of the market: identify the number of customers that conform to your target profile within the industry. 
  • Commit to your particular price: finalize how much revenue you can expect to generate from each customer.
  • 计算总潜在市场 (TAM): 将市场中预测的客户数量乘以您的SaaS价格。
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What are the key factors that drive SaaS market growth?


  • 云采用率的提高: 客户越来越愿意采用云解决方案,这意味着 SaaS 软件在商业领域越来越受欢迎。 
  • 订阅模式: 对订阅式软件模式的兴趣日益增加。
  • 软件开发: newly developed features emerging in the SaaS software market.


This is the way to find the right target market for your SaaS: 

  • Analyze existing customers: identify the profile of existing customers so you can target others who have similar traits and needs. It’s easier to appeal to the same industries, company sizes, and prove you can solve particular challenges. 
  • Problem-focused approach: market your SaaS as solving a particular set of problems for a particular type of business.
  • 竞争对手研究: 在制定您的SaaS业务战略时,要向您的竞争对手学习。
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  • 数据隐私保护: protect customer data, follow relevant data privacy regulations, and observe strict standards in handling data. 
  • Eliminate bias: try to be neutral in how you collect and analyze data so you can represent truth accurately. 
  • 公平竞争: 在了解竞争对手时,不要采取不道德的做法。 

类比: 你正在尝试通过此分析构建一个复杂但完整的整个市场图景。像拼图一样吸收各种元素,以帮助你了解你的市场。包括客户数据, SaaS 行业趋势,以及 competitor pricing.


A SaaS product launch fares better when you invest time in analyzing your market. Predicting demand, adopting viable methods, and outperforming the competition are all components of successful market analysis. 



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