How to Collect User Feedback for SaaS
发布时间: 2024年10月8日
最后更新: 2024年12月6日
To avoid building a product that misses the mark, actively seek input from your target customers during development. Don’t just assume your product is great; get feedback from users to see if it’s meeting their needs. This data shows which features are important, where users are struggling, and how to avoid major dissatisfaction. In this guide we will show you how to collect user feedback on your product, and provide examples that demonstrate these techniques in action.
Define your Goals and Objectives
Begin with outlining your goals and objectives to gain the most value when collecting feedback. You’ll need to fully understand exactly what you are trying to accomplish with this information.
Think about these questions:
- What are you trying to improve when you consider the user’s experience with your product? Do any of the following come to mind? (onboarding, specific features, overall satisfaction)
- 您希望监控哪些指标?(例如,NPS、CSAT、功能使用情况、客户流失率)
- 当您考虑您正在寻求的反馈时,您想要定性的、定量的,还是两者兼而有之?
Track sentiment
Assign priority
and more!
Choose Your Feedback Collection Methods
In order to be successful, make sure you consider the proper resources to collect user feedback. Without a well-defined strategy your efforts might not lead to the outcomes you envision. Think about the following:
- What do you want to understand? Different practices will provide different types of info.
– 如果您想改进某些功能,可以在用户使用这些功能时通过应用内调查或评论小部件征求他们的意见。您会在他们对体验记忆犹新时获得他们的反馈。
– 要了解用户整体是否满意,请使用 NPS(净推荐值)和 CSAT(客户满意度评分)调查。NPS 指示您的客户有多大可能向他人推荐您,而 CSAT 则确定他们对特定主题的感受。
– 在考虑新功能时,尽可能直接地在社交媒体上与用户聊天,并查看评论中的内容。您可能会发现一些您之前没有考虑或想到的想法。
- 您的受众是谁? 评估您的用户习惯以及他们喜欢如何沟通。
– If you find they are tech-savvy, in-app surveys, feedback buttons, or even emails are great options.
– Early adopters love trying new stuff and are perfect for chatting with in interviews and leaving their thoughts in social media.
– For enterprise customers create special groups and include one-on-one chats to get to the heart of their specific needs.
- Different types of feedback: 您正在寻找哪种类型的反馈?
– 定量反馈: 这包括带有数字的数据——调查结果、评分等。它允许您发现趋势并跟踪您的进展。
– 定性反馈: 这解释了细节。是什么让用户喜欢或讨厌某件事?访谈、社交媒体评论和调查中的开放式问题可以为您提供这些细微之处。
Once you have a plan in place, figure out the most optimal way to collect feedback from your users.
方法 |
描述 |
反馈类型 |
优点 |
缺点 |
理想用途 |
应用内调查 |
直接集成到您产品中的简短调查。 |
Quantitative |
High response rates, contextual feedback, targeted to specific user segments |
May disrupt user flow, limited to closed-ended questions |
Measuring satisfaction, feature feedback |
Feedback Widgets |
Always-available buttons or forms for users to provide feedback. Can be placed in the navigation bar or as a tab in the resource center. |
Qualitative |
Captures feedback in real-time, unobtrusive, easy for users. |
May generate a large volume of unstructured feedback |
一般反馈,错误报告 |
电子邮件调查 |
通过电子邮件向特定用户群体发送有针对性的调查。 |
Quantitative |
可以触达应用外的用户,并允许进行更长的调查。 |
回复率较低,可能无法捕捉到即时反馈 |
在客户旅程的特定节点收集反馈(例如,在完成入职后) |
用户访谈 |
一对一对话,获取深入的定性反馈。 |
Qualitative |
深入的见解,允许进行后续提问,与用户建立融洽关系。 |
耗时较长,样本量较小。 |
Understanding user motivations, pain points |
Social Media Listening |
Monitoring social media for mentions of your product. |
Qualitative |
Uncovers organic conversations, identifies trends, allows for direct engagement with users. |
Requires active monitoring, feedback may be biased or unrepresentative. |
Mentions |
NPS/CSAT Surveys |
衡量整体满意度和忠诚度 (NPS) 或对特定互动的满意度 (CSAT)。 |
Quantitative |
衡量整体满意度和忠诚度,并随着时间的推移对进展进行基准测试 |
May not reveal underlying reasons for satisfaction/ 不满意,容易受到回应偏差的影响。 |
Assessing overall customer sentiment |
To find the most effective feedback collection method think about:
- 我究竟想通过用户反馈实现什么目标?
- 我的目标受众是谁?他们偏好哪种联系方式?
- 我应该使用定量数据来识别趋势,还是使用定性见解来确定用户动机?我是否两者都需要?
- 有哪些资源可用于分析和收集反馈?
➣ 应用内调查
应用内调查以弹出式问卷的形式出现,篇幅简短,但会出现在您的产品内部。例如,在Canva中,当您完成设计后,他们会要求您评价您的体验。 在用户积极体验产品时征求他们的反馈可能是有益的。
- 执行调查 在关键任务完成后、特定功能被使用后或用户流程中的自然停顿时执行。
- 实施调查 directly into your app’s interface, as a slide-out, modal, or pop-up to gain user’s attention.
- Look for high response rates, specific feedback, and easy targeting of different user segments.
- Unfortunately this is sometimes disruptive to users if not well timed and is typically limited to un open-ended questions.
- This is ideal for receiving quick feedback on features, creating satisfaction with specific interactions, and for understanding overall sentiment after task completion.
- Tools to use:
- Userpilot: 提供多种调查类型、目标选项和分析功能。
- Qualaroo: 专注于应用内调查并提供用户行为洞察。
➣ Feedback Widgets
- 执行小部件 持续不断地收集意见。
- 实施小部件 在您的应用程序界面中实施,但不要以阻塞用户流程的方式进行。
- 致力于使事情 对用户来说方便,提供实时数据,并且易于设置。
- Sadly, 这 might cause unstructured feedback that requires a lot of analysis.
- This is ideal for obtaining general feedback, bug reports, feature requests, or quick ratings.
- 资源:
➣ 电子邮件调查
- 执行调查 在定期检查期间或在关键互动(如支持或不同里程碑)之后。
- 实施调查 by delivering directly to your customers inbox.
- Reach users outside the app flow if you are looking for more detailed specific surveys.
- Unfortunately, these usually show response rates lower than in-app methods and don’t capture feedback in the moment, allowing for real time opinions.
- 理想情况是当 需要全面了解整体满意度、具体体验或不活跃客户流失的原因时。
- 工具示例:
- Typeform: 拥有视觉上吸引人的互动调查,创建和完成都很简单。
- SurveyMonkey: 一个知名的平台,提供可定制的模板和高级分析功能。
➣ 用户访谈
- 使用访谈 用于更深入地讨论反馈,如果测试新产品创意或验证特定假设。
- Implement user interviews remotely using video chat platforms.
- Use this strategy for deeper insights, to follow up on user questions and to build relationships with customers.
- Unfortunately, these interviews only reach a smaller audience and are not easily scheduled and take time to execute.
- On the plus side, you’ll understand your user behavior better, discover requests for features and identify any need for improvements.
- Use tools like Zoom 或 Google Meet 进行远程访谈。
➣ Social Media Listening
- 使用社交媒体 衡量品牌接受度并在早期发现任何问题。
- 实施 在流行的社交媒体平台(如Facebook、Twitter、LinkedIn)上,并查看行业特定的论坛和评论网站。
- 这些平台 包含真实的反馈,帮助您确定趋势和问题,并促进与用户的直接沟通。
- Sadly, 监控和回复将非常耗时,而且意见可能不客观或并非所有用户都持有。
- 理想用途 快速解决问题,发现趋势并关注您的品牌。
- 值得了解的工具:
➣ NPS (Net Promoter Score) Surveys
NPS调查旨在衡量客户忠诚度和满意度。其中一个典型问题是:“您有多大可能向朋友或同事推荐我们的产品?” 回答以0-10的等级进行评分。
- 安排这些 针对与您合作一段时间的客户,以便准确衡量那些体验过您的产品和服务的客户。
- 实施问卷调查 通过应用内、电子邮件或通常作为大型客户满意度调查的一部分进行。
- Easy to administer and appreciated by users, you’ll establish a clear benchmark for customer loyalty that you can build on.
- You may not understand detailed reasons behind the score, and will need to follow up.
- NPS Surveys 显示整体客户情绪、未来使用的基准,并确定需要改进的地方。
- 可考虑的工具: Retently, Delighted.
➣ CSAT(客户满意度评分)调查
- 使用此调查 在客户互动或体验之后立即使用。
- 实施 在应用内、通过电子邮件或通过互动后的弹出窗口。
- 很好 for giving targeted feedback on a specific area of your product or service.
- Unfortunately, CSAT doesn’t offer a holistic view of user loyalty such as NPS.
- Good for determining customer satisfaction with onboarding, support, features or new releases.
- 可考虑的工具: Userpilot, AskNicely.
Incentivize users to give their insights by rewarding them with discounts, early access to new features, or gift cards.
Track sentiment
Assign priority
and more!
Implement Feedback Collection Tools
When it comes to managing and leveraging user feedback, implement dedicated tools. They should include features such as survey builders, feedback boards, and analytics dashboards.
Here are some examples of such products:
- Userpilot: 一个加载了应用内调查、反馈小部件、NPS和分析的平台。
- Productboard: 一个旨在优先处理来自各种来源的反馈的管理工具。
- Canny: 一个用于反馈管理的平台,可组织功能请求和用户反馈。
- 愉悦: 一款旨在利用调查选项来衡量客户体验的工具。
Track sentiment
Assign priority
and more!
根据影响和与目标的契合度来确定数据的优先级。 定期检查反馈意见,看看是否有任何需要修复的模式或区域,这是一个好主意。使用热图和图表等工具来可视化数据,了解人们实际如何使用您的产品,以及他们喜欢和不喜欢的地方。您还可以使用主题编码或情感分析软件等技术,更深入地挖掘开放式反馈:
- Theme analysis: You can organize your feedback by theme in order to highlight common issues.
- Sentiment analysis: Use tools to show the overall attitude of the feedback whether it be positive, negative or neutral.
- Customer journey mapping: 在用户旅程的各个阶段概述您的反馈,以捕捉需要改进的领域。
Track sentiment
Assign priority
and more!
- 发布说明 应发布发布说明,重点介绍源自用户反馈的任何新功能和改进。
- Personalized emails should be sent to users that gave their opinions, thanking them for their input and details on any changes made per their feedback.
- In-app notifications is a great way to announce updates and new features.
- 公开感谢用户并表达谢意 通过在社交媒体上分享他们的积极反馈。考虑在您的网站上设置一个“客户聚焦”版块。
- 邀请用户 参与任何新功能的 Beta 测试 然后 向他们展示他们的反馈如何影响了开发过程。
- 举办网络研讨会或问答环节 并务必强调由反馈驱动的变更。
This depends upon your specific goals. For feedback on features, collect it during or immediately after use. For insights on overall customer satisfaction, use regular intervals or key time frames to gain feedback from your users.
This depends on your product’s development cycle and user engagement. Your goal should be to collect enough data but avoid causing survey fatigue by asking too often. Try starting with quarterly surveys to obtain ongoing feedback through in-app widgets.
Try using incentives such as discounts, exclusive content, or early access to new features. Implement friendly tools and offer multiple channels of communication so you hear the opinions of your users.
You should gather feedback wherever you find users within your product. Consider in-app surveys, feedback widgets, and use email, social media, or direct interviews. Each channel has a lot to offer by way of advantages and insights.