SaaS Product-Qualified Lead (PQL) Rate Calculator

Think of your SaaS PQL Rate as the percentage of users who have truly ‘tried before they buy’ and are likely to become paying customers. It’s a key indicator of how well your product attracts the right clients.

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    Strategic Alignment Benefit

    Use the PQL rate to assess if your product attracts the right users and adjust your strategy accordingly.

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    高 PQL 率使销售团队能够专注于最有可能购买的潜在客户,从而节省时间和资源。

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    提高 PQL 率可以加速销售流程并促进收入增长。

📊 输入值

📈 结果


PQL数量 0
注册总数 0

如何计算 SaaS 产品合格潜在客户 (PQL) 率

To determine your SaaS PQL rate, follow these steps: 

  1. Determine the number of PQLs (Product-Qualified Leads). A PQL is a user who has demonstrated interest and is more likely to convert into a paying customer. Monitor these through custom fields in your CRM system.
  2. Identify the total number of sign-ups for your product. This count should include both free and paid user registrations.
  3. Calculate the PQL Rate by dividing your total PQLs by the total sign-ups. For instance, if you have 100 PQLs and 1000 sign-ups, the calculation would be 100 / 1000 = 0.1.
  4. Convert the result from step 3 into a percentage by multiplying it by 100. For example, 0.1 * 100 results in a PQL Rate of 10%.

注意: Always ensure that the timeframe for counting both PQLs and sign-ups is the same to maintain accuracy in your calculations.

SaaS Product-Qualified Lead (PQL) Rate = (Number of PQLs / Total Number of Sign-ups) * 100

了解 SaaS 产品合格潜在客户 (PQL) 率

Ioana Grigorescu

1 月 14, 2025

What is the Product-Qualified Lead (PQL) Rate?

在 SaaS 领域, 产品合格潜在客户 (PQL) 衡量的是尝试使用您的软件并表现出足够兴趣,有可能长期继续使用的用户百分比。

Based on user engagement levels, this statistic is essential for SaaS organizations since it tells them whether their product is successfully drawing in users and turning them into potential customers.

  • 为了提高转化可能性,发掘那些积极使用关键功能的高潜力客户。


  • 利用PQL数据,改进营销和产品策略,更好地满足用户需求,从而提高获取效率和用户满意度。


  • 为了提高交易完成率,优先将销售精力放在PQL上,以锁定真正感兴趣的用户。

Practical Examples of SaaS PQL Rate

  • 免费试用转化率: 一家SaaS公司在一个月内有500个免费试用注册。只有100名用户积极使用了关键功能,导致PQL率为20%(100/500)。这个指标引导销售团队专注于这100个合格的潜在客户。
  • Freemium to Paid Upgrade: For a SaaS with a freemium model, out of 1000 new users, 50 upgraded to the paid version. This calculated a PQL rate of 5% (50/1000), helping refine their onboarding process.
  • Demo Request Engagement: An enterprise SaaS company received 200 demo requests. 80 users completed the product walkthrough and showed significant interest, leading to a PQL rate of 40% (80/200), indicating a high engagement level among prospects.
时间段 PQL 率 环比变化 % 变化
第1个月 10.0%
第2个月 12.0% +2.0% +20%
第3个月 15.1% +3.1% +25.8%

此表说明了 PQL 率如何随时间变化。从第 1 个月的 10% 开始,PQL 率到第 3 个月增加到 15.1%,呈现积极趋势。这可能是产品改进或用户群体更具针对性的结果。该表显示了 PQL 率的环比变化和百分比变化。

SaaS Product-Qualified Lead (PQL) Rate = (200 / 1500) * 100 = 13.3%

计算 PQL 率的不同方法

  • 按注册量计算的 PQL 率: 通过将符合 PQL 标准的用户数量除以注册数量计算得出。有助于了解您的用户引导至产品的渠道的有效性。
  • PQL Rate by Active Users: Derived by dividing the number of users who meet the PQL criteria by the number of active users. Helps determine the product’s value to active users.
  • PQL Rate by Feature Usage: Obtained by dividing the number of users who meet the PQL criteria by the number of users using a particular feature. Useful for understanding why users meeting the potential customer criteria do not convert.
  • PQL Rate by Time: 此方法涉及在特定时期(例如,每周、每月)衡量 PQL 率,以评估策略的有效性并进行必要的调整。

如何提高您的 SaaS 产品合格潜在客户 (PQL) 率

  • 跟踪用户互动: 利用产品分析来了解用户如何与您的应用程序的主要功能互动。这将有助于确定表明用户有可能转化为付费客户的行为。
  • 简化入职流程: 减少步骤,并提供清晰的后续操作说明,使新用户的入职流程尽可能简单。
  • 改进应用内支持: 提供有针对性的帮助,例如教程、工具提示或上下文消息,以激励用户使用重要功能。
  • 个性化用户体验: 根据用户的个人资料信息和活动,定制应用体验,向用户展示他们最感兴趣的功能和内容。
  • 建立反馈收集机制: Create a mechanism to get user feedback about their experience. You can use tools like surveys or in-app prompts to learn about their issues and whether they plan to use your app again.
  • Enhance the characteristics of freemium: Make sure consumers have enough time and access to the app’s features under freemium models so they can see its worth and become paying users.


