SaaS 销售

什么是 SaaS 销售模式?

发布时间: 9月27, 2024

最后更新: 11月 26, 2024


什么是 SaaS 销售模式?

The processes that SaaS companies use to sell their software are called SaaS sales models. They aren’t all identical, varying on factors such as price point, complexity, and the target market. Using the correct model is important, as it allows you reach your goals for revenue and customer base.

SaaS sales models are used as the structure for selling their cloud-based products.

Below are some examples of these models.

  • 企业级: 为特大型公司配备专门团队,以满足其特定需求。此模式适用于高端产品和复杂解决方案。
  • Partner/Channel: 使用此模式的一种策略是与其他SaaS企业合作。这些合作关系包括销售对方的产品。
  • 自助服务: This model functions w拥有一个基本产品,它既不昂贵,也不需要特定的受众,并且客户可以在线购买而无需协助。
  • 交易型: 对于中型市场公司和产品,此模型吸引购物者完成交易。

SaaS 销售模式有哪些不同的类型?


Below are some examples of these models.

  1. 定义您的理想客户画像 (ICP): 通过确定您的ICP(理想客户画像),您的信息传递和销售工作将更加准确。
  2. Choose the Right Sales Model: Without the correct model, your resources, product, and targeted audience will not line up.
  3. Build a High-Performing Sales Team: 确保您的团队接受过培训,能够向潜在买家传达产品的功能。
  4. 制定健全的销售流程: 您方法的框架应结构化,以便您的潜在客户从始至终都参与其中。
  5. 利用数据和分析: 为了衡量需要改进的方面,请跟踪 SaaS key metrics for performance and then use data to make decisions.

专注于客户成功: To keep your customers loyal, track their outcomes. They will likely renew and possibly make referrals based on their subscription usage.


Some of the typical obstacles in SaaS 销售 are:

  • Long Sales Cycles: Enterprise sales with elaborate products have longer sales cycles. To remedy this, build relationships with prospects and provide content while addressing any concerns.
  • 高客户流失率: 客户流失会影响收入,因此要通过投资客户引导、提供持续支持以及提前解决任何问题来应对客户流失。
  • 竞争激烈的市场: 当前的 SaaS 市场高度集中,因此您需要制定策略,通过展示产品的实用性和投资回报率,同时预测客户需求并关注行业趋势。

SaaS 公司如何衡量和提高其销售业绩?


  • 客户获取成本(CAC): 企业为客户购买其产品或服务而花费的平均金额
  • 每月经常性收入 (MRR): 衡量客户可能产生的每月经常性收入。
  • 客户流失率: 在给定时期内离开公司的用户数量。
  • 客户生命周期价值 (LTV): Measurement of how valuable a customer is across the entire relationship.
  • Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR): Measures the money that comes in every year for the life of a subscription (or contract). Make changes from these metrics and correct your sales plan accordingly.

What is the role of customer success in SaaS sales?

客户成功 matters in SaaS sales. If customer goals are met, the level of loyalty, churn, and revenue will all be identified in metrics. This team should take care of customers with training, support, onboarding and be there to assist them so they are happy with the package.


SaaS businesses looking to compete in the software market need to ensure they are choosing the proper sales model. Understanding this is an important part of the strategy.


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