Scrum 中的冲刺和迭代是什么?
发布时间: 11月 26, 2024
Scrum 中的冲刺和迭代是什么?
Scrum 中的冲刺和迭代是时间限定的周期,通常为一到四周,在此期间,Scrum 团队致力于确保产生特定的价值。这些是 Scrum 的产物,基于经验过程控制,并在冲刺期间促进系统性工作和持续改进。
冲刺开始于冲刺计划会议,该会议组织在下一个冲刺中要执行的工作并承诺一个冲刺目标。在整个冲刺过程中,团队执行一系列任务,这些任务在每日 Scrum 会议中讨论,以审查进度、讨论风险和潜在解决方案,并在必要时进行更改。
尽管冲刺和迭代是以下组成部分 Agile methodologies, they have key differences. Sprints are only for Scrum, while iterations can be used in the general Agile approach.
Sprints are work intervals limited to a set period of between 2-4 weeks, while iterations might last for longer. Sprints are a set of defined activities like sprint planning and sprint review, but iterations are not. Iterations are typically predetermined for the length of a project, while sprints can be changed depending on the project requirements.
Sprints and Iterations are both flexible work structures that can be implemented within any form of project and business domain. These approaches are particularly adaptable to software development due to the iterative nature of the process and the emphasis on continuous feedback. But they are not restricted to software only.
They can be employed in adverts, branding and even in the process of creating a new product or formulating individual or organizational goals. Their structured approach involves frequent work visibility for teams, ongoing feedback collection, and prompt handling of errors, new demands, and potential hazards. This likely impacts productivity, quality, and stakeholder satisfaction.
How can a Scrum Master help a team maintain their focus within a sprint?
Scrum Master 在确保团队在冲刺期间保持正轨方面发挥着重要作用。他们通过以下方式实现这一目标:
- 消除障碍: Scrum Master 识别并消除阻碍团队成功完成工作的障碍。这些障碍可能包括解决依赖关系、协调需求或确保获得必要的资源。
- 促进沟通: Scrum Master 维护 Scrum 团队内部以及与 Scrum 团队其他利益相关者之间的沟通。他们还协助每日 Scrum 会议并促进内部沟通。
- 保护团队免受干扰: Scrum Master 帮助保护团队免受外部干扰和传入需求的影响,这些干扰和需求可能会分散团队对冲刺目标的注意力。他们的作用是提供保护,使团队能够专注于其指定的工作。
- 定期审查进度并重新确定优先级: 进行快速检查点和定期会议,以监控项目并防止范围增加的问题。不时更改优先级,以确保优先级与优先任务或项目相对应。
- Clearly define and communicate the iteration goals: Make it clear to the team and other stakeholders what will need to be done during the iteration in order to achieve this level of quality.
- Maintain a prioritized backlog: Keep a clean list of tasks in the form of user stories or any other representation that has been prioritized based on some measure. This approach enables the team to prioritize crucial tasks, reducing the likelihood of distractions from lower-priority work requests.
- Have a clear “Definition of Done”: Define clear guidelines on what it means for a task, or a user story to be done. This strategy aims to limit potential misunderstandings and seeks to ensure that the work produced satisfies the expected quality criteria.
- 使用变更管理流程: 建立一个结构化的系统来管理变更请求。这通常包括评估变更的影响,将其与其他工作进行比较排序,并在迭代期间寻求正确的批准以实施变更。
- 时间盒: 确保迭代不会超出任何已提供的时间表上约定的时间范围。 在重新专注于当前工作负载之前,避免添加新工作,并考虑取消或推迟其他任务。
- 定期审查进度并重新确定优先级: 进行快速检查点和定期会议,以监控项目并防止范围扩大问题。不时更改优先级,以确保优先级与优先任务或项目相符。
Sprints and iterations are the features used in the Agile method to provide the best value within a software development cycle. Some ideas like timeboxing or having a certain amount of fixed time for work may assist the user in dealing with shifts in requirements, feedback processes, and continuous updates of products or services.