SaaS 销售

什么是产品合格潜在客户 (PQL)?

发布时间: 2024年10月11日


什么是产品合格潜在客户 (PQL)?

A Product-Qualified Lead (PQL) refers to a potential customer who has experienced the value of a product firsthand. This experience typically uses a free trial, a limited feature model, or direct product interaction. 

产品合格潜在客户 (PQL) 比营销合格潜在客户 (MQL) 更容易转化为付费客户,因为他们已经展示了他们的兴趣和参与度。需要注意的是,虽然 PQL 具有更高的转化潜力,但并非所有产品互动都会导致合格,并且可能需要应用其他标准来确定潜在客户的质量。

PQL 与 MQL 有何不同?


  • PQL通常更有可能成为客户,因为他们已经尝试过产品或服务。
  • 获取PQL的成本将高于MQL,因为PQL在销售漏斗中处于更靠后的位置。
  • PQL比MQL需要更少的培育,因为它们在客户旅程中走得更远。
  • PQL可能不适合所有业务;应考虑销售周期和目标市场。 

基于 PQL 的方法有哪些好处?

虽然传统的潜在客户资格认定方法一直采用传统方式,但在考虑速度、准确性和合格潜在客户预测的整体质量时,基于 PQL 的方法可能具有优势。 

由于 PQL 针对客户的实际产品使用情况,因此 PQL 消除了与潜在客户资格认定相关的不确定性,使流程更加客观。

这意味着 销售团队 will only target qualified prospects with a higher likelihood of becoming customers. They can consider nurturing the prospects with a more personalized approach rather than employing mass marketing tactics. 

That being said, the PQL-based approach is most efficient if combined with the knowledge of how customers think and what their purchasing behavior is like.

What defines a PQL?

A product-qualified lead (PQL), in short, is a warm prospect who receives tangible and compelling benefits from using a product or service over a period of time—most commonly through a 免费试用 or limited use of some features.

The main distinction between the PQLs and common leads is that they learn the product’s value by experiencing it rather than being convinced by marketing campaigns.

  • Leads who have already engaged with the product are less risk-averse and more likely to convert, potentially leading to higher conversion rates.
  • 获取PQL可以最大限度地降低客户获取成本(CAC),因为销售团队的目标是那些非常有可能购买的潜在客户。
  • PQL表现出对产品的更深入理解,这可能与更高的客户价值和潜在的终身价值(LTV)增长相关。
  • 为了赢得PQL,SaaS企业应该提供免费试用期或 限时优惠 这可能会产生成本和资源影响。此外,由于有效发现和培养PQL,可能会出现费用。

How do companies identify PQLs?

Businesses categorize PQLs based on how active users are within the product and the types of actions they take when using it. 

SaaS businesses need to establish a strong definition of an ideal PQL, which can have characteristics such as popular features, how often they return to the platform, and what their interaction levels are like when using the product. PQL management and identification are usually made easier with the help of product analytics, automation, and CRM tools.

What are the challenges of PQL implementation?

While PQL strategies have the potential to increase conversion rates and streamline sales cycles, their effectiveness is contingent upon proper implementation.

While PQLs enable the organized tracking of customer behavior and preferences, the extent to which this influences future 产品开发 以及营销举措的效果仍有待观察。

成功实施 PQL 策略需要克服几个挑战,例如明确定义 PQL、将使用数据与销售和营销相结合,以及促进团队之间的协作。 



产品合格潜在客户 (PQL) 是指已经了解产品或服务优势的重要潜在客户,因此比营销合格潜在客户 (MQL) 更可能成为付费客户。然而,由于挑战,尤其是在数据集成和团队合作方面,在公司内部实施 PQL 策略可能会成为一个问题。在关注 PQL 时,应利用资源跟踪用户并提供免费试用或有限功能使用,以使潜在客户能够发现您的产品。 


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