SaaS 指标和 KPI


发布时间: 2024年10月4日

最后更新: 11月 26, 2024

了解 SaaS 客户留存率及其重要性。学习计算公式,探索行业基准,并获取提高留存率的实用技巧。


SaaS customer retention is the continuous ability of the business to have many long-term paying customers using SaaS business products. This is a critical indicator of SaaS success because the main source of revenue within this business model is derived through subscriptions.

SaaS 中的留存率公式是什么?

客户留存率或 CRR,是另一个重要的 SaaS 指标 用于计算在给定时期内保留的客户百分比。它使用以下公式确定:

CRR = (Number of customers at the end of a period – Number of customers acquired during the period) / Number of customers at the start of the period * 100

What is a realistic customer retention rate?

A good customer retention rate may differ depending on the nature of the business, the market segment chosen, and even the type of product. But, for SaaS businesses, it could be good to have a CRR of 35% in a period of eight weeks and above.

What is the benchmark for SaaS customer retention rate?

A 35% CRR over 8 weeks is good. Nonetheless, there’s no universal index for SaaS customer retention. What constitutes an ideal CRR will closely depend on your unique situation. The best way to go about it is to monitor your own CRR trend over time and compare it to that of your competitors or industry.

What is a good net retention rate for SaaS?

Net Revenue Retention (NRR) is the percentage of original recurring customer subscription revenue plus upsell/cross-sell revenue retained for a period within a certain time frame. The NRR in SaaS companies is normally expected to exceed 100%.

提高 SaaS 客户留存率的实用技巧

  • 关注客户满意度:  要实现客户满意度最大化,需要为目标客户创造巨大的新价值。
  • 积极的客户互动: 与客户保持定期沟通并提供支持。
  • 数据驱动的决策: 定期进行关键指标测量并根据数据进行调整,这在以下方面至关重要: 定价策略
  • 持续的产品改进: 根据客户反馈更新您的产品。 
  • 投资于客户成功: 建立专门的团队,在客户使用您的产品时帮助他们实现目标。





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