如何为 SaaS 构建 MVP:分步指南
发布时间: 2024年10月18日
最后更新: 2024年12月6日
To build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), create a basic version of your product to test your assumptions and obtain user feedback early in the development process. This allows you to consider if your product idea is valid and reduces the possibility of developing a product that no one needs. This guide outlines the process of creating a minimal viable product (MVP) for your SaaS startup.
- 您将为用户解决什么具体问题?
- 您的解决方案将如何改善他们的生活或业务?
- 什么独特的价值主张使您的产品与现有解决方案区分开来?
- 人口统计:他们的年龄范围、性别、所在地和收入水平是多少?
- 职位和行业:他们的专业职位和行业是什么?
- Goals & Challenges: What are they trying to achieve, and what hurdles do they face?
- Current Solutions: How do they currently address the problem you are solving? Are they satisfied with the existing options?
- 期望与偏好:他们期望解决方案具备哪些功能?他们在用户体验和定价方面有哪些偏好?
构建 理想客户画像 提供了一种可视化和掌握目标受众特征的方法。
人物角色 1 | Marketing Manager Daniel:
– Struggles to keep track of multiple social media campaigns across different platforms
– Needs a tool to schedule posts, monitor engagement, and generate reports
– Currently uses a combination of spreadsheets and native platform tools, finding them time-consuming and inefficient
– User expects a solution that will provide insights and save time when it comes to monitoring social media performance.
Tailoring the MVP to the expectations of the target audience through understanding their needs and preferences can result in earlier adoption and feedback.
一旦您确定了核心问题和目标受众,就开始确定MVP的功能优先级。 确定所有可能解决您已确定的核心问题的潜在功能。然后,使用诸如以下的优先级框架 诸如 MoSCoW 方法 (必须有、应该有、可以有、不会有)根据它们对核心价值主张的重要性和影响进行组织。
功能 |
优先级 |
理由 |
文件上传 |
必备 |
存储和共享文件是为用户提供的功能。 |
文件共享 |
必备 |
The program allows users to work together by providing tools for collaboration. |
Version Control |
必备功能 |
通过版本控制功能,用户可以监控功能内的更改,并在需要时将数据恢复到以前的版本。 |
移动端访问 |
锦上添花 |
提供便利,但不是初始产品的核心功能 |
Focus on delivering the highest priority features in your MVP to verify your core value proposition and collect feedback on its value.
Airbnb’s initial MVP focused on connecting travelers with hosts. They redesigned the listing creation process, built a basic booking system, and offered a forum for interaction between hosts and guests.
- 开发和学习的难度各不相同。
- 可扩展性:准备好应对不断增长的需求并适应未来的发展。
- 社区参与:利用社区内可用的资源和支持网络。
- 成本效益,包括许可费和托管成本。
Technology Stack |
优点 |
缺点 |
Considerations |
Ruby on Rails |
开发快速、社区庞大、框架成熟 |
对于大型应用程序来说,可能资源密集 |
适合优先考虑速度和灵活性的MVP和初创公司 |
Node.js |
JavaScript-based, high performance, scalable |
Can have a steeper learning curve |
Ideal for real-time applications and APIs |
Python/Django |
用途广泛、易于学习、社区强大 |
性能可能不如编译型语言 |
非常适合数据科学、机器学习和 Web 开发 |
即使在早期阶段,也要确定任何潜在的法律和财务要求。研究与您的 SaaS 产品和行业相关的法规,以确保您的 MVP 符合规定。如果您希望通过 MVP 获利,请设置基本的支付系统,并确保您了解并预先收取任何必要的销售税,以避免日后出现问题。
To streamline payment processing and ensure compliance, especially if you plan to sell globally, consider using 一家登记在案的商户 (MoR) service to:
– 全球支付和销售税:处理涉及管理复杂的税收计算和汇款,以确保在不同司法管辖区内的合规性。
– 合规性:确保遵守各种当地法规、数据隐私法和消费者保护要求。
– 设置:商业注册可能是某些MoR解决方案的要求,但其他解决方案提供了无需注册即可运营的选项,这可能为处于早期阶段的初创公司提供灵活的选择。
- 用户访谈:与早期采用者进行深入访谈,以了解他们体验中的定性见解、痛点和建议。
- 调查:使用调查来了解用户满意度、功能使用情况和整体体验的定量数据。
- 用户行为分析:跟踪用户在您的MVP中的互动,以了解他们如何与产品互动,他们最常使用哪些功能以及他们在哪里遇到困难。
- 分析反馈以确定模式、趋势以及可以改进的地方。仔细记录用户的建议,但也要记住他们潜在的需求和动机。阅读 如何以及在哪里最好地收集用户反馈 in our how-to guide.
Evaluate user feedback to identify potential areas for improvement in the MVP. Prioritize enhancing value and resolving reported issues. You may need to refine existing features, add new ones that align with user needs, or even pivot your product strategy if required.
Remember, building an MVP is an iterative process. Regularly collect user feedback and examine how they engage with your product. Use these insights to adjust features and offerings in ways that align with the evolving needs of your target market.
Trello’s evolution from a Kanban board into a complex project management tool reflects the impact of iterative development and user feedback. Based on user suggestions, Trello implemented changes to the product, with the objective of improving its alignment with the needs of different user segments and use cases.
Building an MVP for your SaaS startup requires a focus on core functionality, a deep understanding of your target audience, and a willingness to iterate based on user feedback. Following these steps and adopting a lean approach may contribute to the testing of your product idea, potentially mitigating development risks and potentially increasing the chances of developing a successful SaaS product; however, success is not guaranteed.
请记住,MVP 的目标是学习和迭代,而不是从一开始就创建一个完美的产品。专注于持续改进有可能影响您的 SaaS 初创公司的成功,但其他因素也可能发挥作用。
Developing an MVP prioritizes essential features to reduce development time and cost while focusing on validating the product-market fit. It also enables gathering user feedback to refine the product and optimize future development decisions.
一旦您清楚了解要解决的核心问题、目标受众以及实现价值主张的基本功能,就应该开始构建您的 MVP。
是的!构建 MVP 是一个重复的过程。利用您从用户那里收到的反馈来改进现有功能,根据用户需求开发新功能,甚至在必要时调整您的产品策略。
The launch of an MVP can help assess the viability of a product idea by gauging market interest and gathering insights regarding user behavior and expectations. You should see engagement from your target audience and a willingness to use or even pay for your product.