What is Cloud-Native Architecture?

Cloud-Native Development

Understand cloud-native architecture: Explore its benefits over monolithic systems, key technologies like microservices and containers, and how it revolutionizes DevOps and CI/CD.

What is Cloud-Native Architecture?

Cloud-native architecture is a specialized design approach to building and running applications within cloud computing environments. This approach, as a result, exploits the cloud’s inherent characteristics of scalability, elasticity, or even resiliency to the potential detriment of resource control as well as flexibility.

Cloud-native applications are designed to incorporate features that facilitate their performance in volatile cloud environments, including rapid response capabilities and adaptability to change. 

Adapting monolithic applications is not entirely feasible, as the process may require rewriting the entire structure as a result of the nature of the concept for cloud environments. In contrast, cloud-native architecture, encompassing microservices, is often considered a more suitable approach for modern requirements than traditional architecture.

How does cloud-native differ from monolithic?

The main difference between cloud-native and monolithic architecture is in how they are structured. Mono applications are designed where all the elements are integrated, while cloud-native applications are divided into microservices of loosely connected services. This method is characterized by its decentralized nature, where services can be independently designed, provisioned, and scaled, potentially resulting in greater adaptability, efficient resource utilization, and a decentralized architecture.

What are the advantages of cloud-native architecture?

The use of cloud-native architecture can also have effects on the company’s scalability, flexibility, and expenditure model.

  • 확장성: Macro applications made from microservices can also scale out by adding or willfully removing instances of distinct services depending on the workloads.
  • Resilience: Cloud-native applications use ‘isolation’ and self-healing to minimize or prevent downtime in failure cases.
  • Agility: Cloud-native applications usually consist of microservices that enable their development and deployment.
  •  Pay-per-use pricing: In cloud-native architecture, organizations can modify resource allocation based on actual usage, potentially impacting cost optimization.


What are the key technologies involved in cloud-native development?

There are several technologies that are core to cloud-native development.

  • Microservices: Applications are broken down into fine-grained, loosely coupled components that interact through API calls.
  • Containers: During CI/CD, all the software applications and all their dependencies are segmented to particular confines to enhance the portability of the solution across the environments.
  • Orchestration: Some of the examples include Kubernetes, which helps manage a cluster for running applications and deploying and scaling containerized applications.
  • DevOps: Pinpoints the core concept of cooperation between development, operation, and security teams to increase the efficiency of software release.
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD): Focuses on automating and streamlining development processes to allow for more frequent, iterative releases with rapid feedback, reducing the reliance on manual tasks.

How does cloud-native impact DevOps and CI/CD Pipelines?

Cloud-native structures and DevOps practices commonly correspond with each other’s philosophies and objectives. The availability of cloud-native modularity for CI/CD optimization through automation leads to recurring integration, testing, and deployments.

 This combination can influence feedback loop duration, software quality, and the speed at which solutions reach the market.

The combination of the cloud-native and DevOps approach may offer more value to the customers in a shorter time and at less cost, but the outcome will depend on the specific style of adoption.


Cloud-native development is, therefore, a revolutionary methodology for constructing and operating applications in the cloud. Implementing microservices, containers, and orchestration together with DevOps practices can influence such factors and the organization’s increase or stagnation, as well as becoming fail-safe.

Cloud-native development could prove beneficial in terms of time to market as well as user experience and potential costs. Still, it also brings some new elements that need to be considered in the current digital journey of modern businesses.

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