发布时间: 2024年7月29日
最后更新: 9 月 18, 2024
Customer acquisition is the process of drawing in new leads and turning them into paying clients for your SaaS solution. Any software business is required to develop a plan that can impact revenue streams over time. Together with customer retention, user acquisition is part of SaaS growth strategies.
What is the difference between customer acquisition and marketing?
While customer acquisition primarily concentrates on the activities that directly result in new paying customers, marketing includes more general operations like creating awareness and developing your brand. Consider acquiring new clients as a focused segment of your marketing campaigns.
What are the best channels for customer acquisition?
The ideal channels will vary based on your target market and financial constraints, but these are a few very successful choices:
- Content marketing:制作信息丰富的内容(网络研讨会、视频和博客文章),以自然地吸引和告知潜在客户,并 建立您的社区。
- 搜索引擎优化 (SEO):使您的网站更可见,并在相关的搜索结果中排名更高。
- 付费广告: Use search engine, social media, or related website adverts to target particular populations.
- Referral programs:为推荐他人并促成销售的现有客户提供奖励。
- 始终根据您的理想客户经常访问的网站来选择渠道。
- 定期监控多个渠道的绩效,以确定哪些渠道对您的SaaS解决方案最有效。
- 测试并调整您的 定价策略.
SaaS 中的 CAC 如何计算?
要确定您的客户获取成本 (CAC),请将您在特定时期内获得的新客户数量除以该时期的全部销售和营销费用。此指标显示您通常为获得新客户而支付的费用。
取决于您的 SaaS 业务类型 and industry, a decent CAC will vary, but a good rule of thumb is to keep it much lower than your customer lifetime value (LTV). Over time, this guarantees a steady return on investment.
密切关注通过利用有效的手段逐步降低您的客户获取成本(CAC) 增长策略 和渠道优化。
- 目标市场:您是否清楚了解您的潜在客户是谁以及在哪里可以找到他们?
- Product readiness: Does your product actually help your target market solve a problem?
- 资源:您能否投入必要的资金、人员和设备来进行客户获取活动?