SaaS 指标和 KPI

What are SaaS Metrics and KPIs?

发布时间: 2024年8月6日

最后更新: 2024年10月4日

What are SaaS Metrics and KPIs?

What are SaaS Metrics and KPIs?




What are the key SaaS metrics that founders should track?


  • MRR(每月经常性收入): This is a fundamental metric that analyses the predictable revenue your SaaS business has gained over the course of a month.
  • 客户流失率: By monitoring this metric, you can identify the percentage of users that have closed their 订阅时. Keeping an eye on this benchmark helps in quickly tracking customer satifaction issues and effectively addressing them. 
  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): With the help of this metric, SaaS businesses can determine the costs associated with acquiring new customers. This means considering your marketing, support, and sales expenses required in the process of acquiring new users. 
  • 客户生命周期价值 (CLV): 此指标揭示了您的用户关系正在产生的收入金额。当您了解您的 CAC 支出时,跟踪 CLV 有助于确定是否有投资回报。
  • 净收入留存率 (NRR): 监控此指标,以了解您的 SaaS 业务从升级中产生的收入金额以及 扩展 (交叉销售和向上销售)。
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在设置您打算监控的 SaaS 指标时,请务必研究并确定您所在行业的平均数据点。

How can I use financial modeling to forecast revenue for my SaaS business?

财务建模 in the SaaS (software-as-a-service) industry is the process of creating specific revenue-projecting models based on the characteristics of different SaaS business models. These characteristics include recurring revenue, churn rates, and acquisition expenses. 

To use financial modeling for income forecasting, begin with a simple model and continuously elaborate on it.

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What are the different revenue recognition methods for SaaS companies?

以下是两种常见的 收入确认 SaaS 企业使用的方法: 

  • 权责发生制会计: 在这种情况下,收入在赚取时确认,即使尚未收到付款。这种方法可以精确地反映公司的财务业绩。
  • Cash-Basis Accounting: This method recognizes income once it is received. While it can be an appropriate option for small businesses, it can alter the perception of a company’s financial health.
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以下是优化您的业务时需要考虑的四个方面 SaaS定价策略

  • 基于价值的货币化:强调您的产品所提供的价值。您的定价策略需要传达用户所获得的利益,而不仅仅是涵盖生产和维护成本。
  • 分层定价:为客户提供不同的定价方案供选择。您将能够针对不同的 细分市场 and audiences.
  • Experiment: It’s important to A/B test different pricing strategies and messaging to understand which option is the right one for your customers. 
  • Constant monitoring: Pricing optimizations are an ongoing process. Continuously reassess your process, evaluate your product, and track market changes.

SaaS KPI报告的最佳实践是什么?

To effectively track your SaaS metrics and KPIs, consider the following three practices:

  • Visual Dashboards: Obtain insights by collecting real-time overviews of your metrics and KPIs. 
  • 定期监控: 设置指标评估时间范围(每月、每周或每季度)以确保定期监控。
  • 优先考虑洞察: 在您的整个SaaS组织中共享数据报告和评估,以确保您的整个团队都了解结果。





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