
SaaS 中的自动扩展是什么?

发布时间: 10 月 14, 2024

Learn how auto-scaling works in SaaS, why it's crucial for your business, and how to implement it effectively. Explore key metrics, policy types, and real-world examples.

What is auto-scaling?

Auto-scaling is a feature that adjusts a SaaS application’s resources up or down based on current usage. When there are more users, auto-scaling increases available resources – on the flip side, it decreases them during quiet periods. 

在 SaaS 的背景下,自动扩缩容是如何工作的?

SaaS companies need auto-scaling because they often don’t know when traffic is going up or down. While it’s sometimes predictable (e.g. a product launch), sudden global events and unexpected spikes are where auto-scaling should be deployed.



  • 性能: 使用自动扩展,以便您的网站或应用程序在繁忙时段能够最佳运行;如果没有它,您可能会遇到服务中断。 
  • 可用性: You need to implement auto-scaling so customers can access your site, product, and services 24/7.
  • Cost Optimization: Use auto-scaling to scale up and down based on real-time usage – you risk needless expenses if you use an alternative method.



  • CPU 利用率: 在任何给定时间正在使用的 CPU 量。
  • 内存使用量: 应用程序或网站实时使用的内存量。
  • Network Traffic: Incoming and outgoing site visitors and app users.
  • 请求延迟: 用户请求的响应时间;这取决于同一服务器上的用户数量。 
  • 队列长度: 待处理的队列请求;当此值较高时,会触发自动向上扩展。



  • 目标追踪: 根据平均队列长度等指标移动资源;当您了解您的工作负载时使用。 
  • 步进式扩展: 在您设定的阈值内进行扩展;如果您是初学者,请使用此选项。
  • 计划扩缩: 根据计划的时间进行扩展;如果您了解每日或每周的流量模式,请使用此选项。


What are some real-world examples of SaaS businesses successfully utilizing auto-scaling to meet fluctuating demand?

以下是使用基于需求的自动扩展的 SaaS 公司示例: 

  • Shopify: 设置参数以在流量高峰时段(如黑色星期五和假日季)自动扩展资源。
  • Slack: 考虑消息高峰时间(例如工作时间)以根据需要分配资源。
  • Netflix: 自动扩展参数设置为在更多观众在线时(例如晚上和周末)管理流量。



SaaS companies should use auto-scaling to manage resources during high and low activity. Amazon Web Services, Pepperdata, and Google Cloud are three tools with auto-scaling. Consider whether you need target tracking, step scaling, or scheduled scaling.


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